Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

OH CRUD. my son just came home and said were is the car.... That's right someone came and stole it from our house... I'm so mad, the cops said with the car down the street with its dome light on was also most likely stolen too. I'm mad....
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I know how you feel. It's not only the loss of the vehicle and the stress of it, it is also the feeling of violation you feel because a person/s
came into your life and took something away.
Hopefully it was just for a joy ride and it will be recovered without damage.
HAHA i can see that!

in the market for high egg producers, probably only be able to have 4 max and starting with 2. i reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy want blue ones and found someone local who breeds "true" ameraucanas. I'm also drawn to laced wyandottes, both of which the same person is breeding and selling. how "gentle" are they? i have a 1 1/2 yo old son. i probably also need ones on the quieter side.

In my experence, pure Ameracuans are flighty - I would not recremend them to you and your son. But - not all hope is lost :)

Check out Easter Eggers - they are often a cross between an Ameracuana and a gentler breed. They lay bluish to greenish eggs and are pretty much "normal".

Good luck and welcome to our home :)
:frow Hi Friends!
Only a few more days and I'll be done with busy season!

So, how about that meet-up?
Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park?
Around lunch time?
Around dinner time?
It's impossible to pick a time when everyone can make it although sometimes weekends work best.

To the new folks, please know that all are welcome.
It's wonderful to put names to faces.
(Personally, I think part of the reason we've become such good friends is that we see each other in person, not just online.)
We go to Third Place Books because it has a Commons area. Several fast food restaurants, a fabulous bakery, plenty of big tables for us to gather 'round and even a play area for children.
Some folks eat, some have coffee, some bring their own.
Some folks bring children and sweethearts.
It's not hard to find us. If we have new people coming I'll bring a chicken for a centerpiece.:cd

I don't see FarminMomma on here much.
She did say she's got her hands full with the new house but I'll send her a PM just in case she can break away.

OK, back to work for me.
Please PM me or post on the forum days/times that work for you. :caf

I'm editing this~ It's easier to tell you when I'm not available rather than when I am ;) I can be available anytime next week except Wednesday from 4 to 6'ish. Will have 1 to 3 kids with me most of the time because of spring break.
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I put the 3 week old Silkie chicks and "Buck", the special needs cockerel, into the tractor with the other 2 Silkies today. All are getting along and being chickens. The Silkie chicks were getting trampled by the "Meat Group" in the brooder. They are already neary 2lbs at 3 weeks. Sheesh they do grow fast. I think I have decided that I will not do the x's in the future but rather go with Dark Cornish's for meat birds. I saw them at the Monroe show and liked the look and they grow at a normal rate. I got the "coop" done for the Silkie pen(really just a place to sleep and lay eggs, should have pcs in "My Coop" by end of weekend) and getting the remaining parts to finish the Silkie pen tomorrow. They should be it by the end of the weekend.
Have you considered the Heritage white? They are a meaty bird but slower growing. Check this:-

I actually did not feel, when the dogs dragged me out of bed ten minutes after the alarm went off, as if the mere act of walking to the bedroom door was more work than I was up to. Nice change from yesterday, and all I hope is that Hannah, Nixie, Patty and Rosa are not out at the SW corner of the place, or up on the back of the hill, when I go to check them today. That little jaunt ate most of last week. Cold and grey outside, kind of day that could end up with any kind of weather at all. Looking at the weather radar's going to feel like pulling the handle on a slot machine, except when you're farming three lemons sucks the money right out of your pocket.
When I feel like that I always think of what my son said to me years ago: Mom, why do you create so much work for yourself ? I did some heavy thinking, and yes he is right, I DO create work for myself. I do not have to have so many birds, coops, the big garden and all the other "issues" I have to deal with. I Do make myself work. I have to remind myself, that with every rose bush, fruit tree, lawns, gardens, birds and other pets & livestock, what I am doing is "Creating" more work for myself.
This time of year, about 60% of what I do is outside my yard fence, and thus not work I made but work I was born into- and my schedule for that is as dependent on North Thurston Public Schools as it was when my kids were in school, because there's nothing we can do without Andrew. My current 3am freakout topic is what happens when he graduates in 2016.
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