Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I'm sending the city of yelm site an e-mail. I'll let ya'll know the response I get. I asked for the exact law stating it's either lawful or unlawful to own poultry in yelm. Because they need to have it clearly stated on their site otherwise they need to allow it. Just because it doesn't say it's legal doesn't make it illegal.
I personally would fit it if they tried to take my poultry away.
Quote: If you are getting Hatchery birds, the Australorps will likely not get above 6lbs.
Quote: SL shoud not go broody, it has been bred out of them(unless non-hatchery lines). I have hatchery layers and my BR went broody at 5 months old and now have a BO brooding 2 chicks(she is 10mo)
My opinion on Broodness --

In general most hatchery birds will not be inclined to go broody. I think that hatcheries dont want their hens to go broody, so they selectively breed that out of them.

If you *want* a broody - then certainly avoid hatchery mixes. Like CR said those EEs and SLs are not very likely to go broody. I have four broody hens right now, none of which are hatchery birds. I have had hatchery Orpingtons and RIRs go broody - but not PBRs or EEs.

I *think* I have a broody BSL - if so, it is not a hatchery bird, it is one of my hatches from last year. If she's on the nesting box today, then she will be put in solitary confinement for two days.
Hatcheries do breed it out but there is no guarantee. I have had 2 hatchery broodies of my first 6 girls in less than their first year.
I got one of those heavy rain downpours that turned to snow for about 15 minutes
Crazy what happened to the 70 degree + weather of easter? We need some sun.. We have so much to get done outside... coops n chickens n gardens need tending!

I know right?? At this point my garden resembles the duck pond more than anything!
I know right?? At this point my garden resembles the duck pond more than anything!
I was lucky and was able to get out n work the soil about a month ago so its all tilled and ready and I have some broccoli planted in my veggie boxes but thats it... In my flower boxes my lilies are coming up. I planted some primroses but they all died so I have to pull them out.. UGH I am ready for some sun... at least a few days of dry weather to get my tomatoes going.. I have a long list of stuff to can this year so I need to get the garden going. I guess it could be worst tho.. my friend in MN has 2 feet of snow...
Crazy what happened to the 70 degree + weather of easter? We need some sun.. We have so much to get done outside... coops n chickens n gardens need tending!
I am SO very much in agreement. I have a pen to roof, a house to clean and do partial rebuild, and roosts to figure out. I want at least 50's and drizzle I can live with. Rain/snow/hail don't work.

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