Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Well I got the rest of the yard all cleaned up. By yard, I mean chicken yard only. The other part of the yard is DHs domain and he hasn't mowed since early November! LOL! I can't wait for my mini coop to get delivered tomorrow! I hope it's early so I can set it all up in the afternoon. We are busy all evening and the morning is school! Here's something I did with the kids during school today, tomorrow's will be cats. Mine is on the left, 6.5 year old Johns is in the middle, and 4.5 year old Jeanine's is on the right. We copied the art from the book, then looked up information about a lion in the Kingfisher Animal Encyclopedia. Handwriting, Art, and Science all in one project! The book has 16 animals so this is what we will do for those subjects for the remaining school days.
Wow! It was nice to open some windows today and smell fresh air! Even Miss Daffy Duckers enjoyed it!

Everyone enjoy tomorrow because it will be the last day of summer around here! :th

CL-----Send me a picture of your new ChickMaHall!!! :D

Can't wait till I can drive again!!!! :barnie
Ok you clever coop builders.... I've been toying with this idea for quite a while and I want your input. Trav... I think this is your fault having made your pallet coop.

Wouldn't it be possible to use several of these doors, attached to one another to make coop walls? Then painted to resist the weather? I'd even leave the door knobs on as decoration!
What is the downside to this idea?

I am now on the watch for used doors -- gee thanks, jst what I needed; another project :)
Rappelle harness :)
Today was really productive :-D A friend came over and helped me get two nest boxes built and hung off one side of the coop... So I thought I'd share some pics... It isn't painted or trimmed out, and I have to put roofing on tomorrow... but it is functional-- now to just get the girls to lay on it....

Old nest boxes

The new nest boxes :-D



Eta: pictures--lol
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I remember when he did this on TV in 1969. It still brings me to tears. Such a simple, beautiful performance by my favorite Mr. Red Skelton. And God Bless......
The Pledge Of Allegiance and what it means

My favorite!
I also liked this;
Loren Greene did a narrative about America (he was Canadian) and how we responded to the world's needs. I had a printed copy of that transcript a long time ago, I no longer have it. Would any of you have it? Or a recording of said broadcast?
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I remember when he did this on TV in 1969. It still brings me to tears. Such a simple, beautiful performance by my favorite Mr. Red Skelton. And God Bless......
The Pledge Of Allegiance and what it means

Wow. I had never seen that before. The explanation was wonderful. I loved the Red Skelton show. I used to watch it on PBS with my youngest brother. Crazy the way his last statement was almost prophetic. It's sad that kids (and some adults, for that matter) no longer show respect for the flag. We were taught that hats come off and your hand covers your heart. Period. They no longer teach that apparently. Not only that, my 14 yo does not know America the Beautiful. He said that he has only heard it once or twice. We are working on that.

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