Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

OK, my first chick hatched. It is a silver lace wyandotte. I must keep my hands off. Repeat after me. Leave it alone, do not mess with it. Others are on the way.
It is so hard to not interfere. It looks up at me peeping. Pick me up. Pick me up.....
Lay down perforated drain tile and have it extend to a big hole (is that called a dry well, I can't think). But don't fill it in with rocks. I'll find the post that gives excellent information and post that later. It explains exactly why to use whatever it is they recommended. Stay tuned.
Oh... I did this around my pen and I'm really glad I did because I was having major water problems in the winter, too.

Here's the post that explains in detail what type of sand or gravel works depending on the situation. Very fact filled.

Thank you very much!!
Hi...  :frow   Did you happen to see that StumpFarmer is looking for a good EE roo?  

[COLOR=800000]I thought she was looking for a americauna roo? Mine's black. I better go find that post. I'd give her this guy- and hope she has enough hens ot keep him busy![/COLOR]

I've said both, although I think "good EE" was on facebook.

My cousin's understanding of the definitions is different than mine.
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I'm at the point of the spring when I just want to take antihistamines and sleep, but that is obviously not going to happen. On the other hand, the blue cow is sticking close to the house, so I won't have to chase all over heck's half acre to check on her- calving season's almost over, praise be. Of course NEXT year's calving season is being started even now, the bull's been here for a week.

I spent a half hour yesterday whacking at the big pink rose (Ispahan, a damask of notorious vigor) and probably need another four sessions of that length to get the whole thing finished. I still need to take a run at the two Really Big Roses, Long John Silver and Brenda Colvin, but I need a spotter for those.

Off to give everything their rice; Bluebelle, the pilfered Am/Au hen, may be happier about her situation for having a whole serving instead of merely what I drop.
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Ya' have to teach the men to stop having their own mother's fears from playing over and over in their minds. As we set up our Craig's List bunk bed, my husband stopped for a moment, looked at me and said "You do know that my mother is rolling over in her grave, right?" I just quietly told him the kids will be fine and we would teach them how to be safe. We've only had one incident (that I know of) of a child doing something crazy. And that child would, of course, be my daughter. When the Olympics were going on, she decided to do a somersault off the top bunk...
... because she was an Olympic gymnast. We told her if she ever pulled that stunt again, she would be an ex-gymnast.
Oh my gosh, I know. I think my DH gets worried, because he sees a lot of himself in Logan. We haven't had any problem with the beds. Not too long after we moved in, Isaac was making the beds and Logan was "helping", by throwing the pillows up onto the beds from the floor. He threw his smaller pillow pet and knocked the shade off of the ceiling light, which smashed into a million pieces on his head. We ended up in the ER with several stitches and some super glue on his head. And of course, both us and him being questioned endlessly. I know they have to, because of the state of the world, but it sure doesn't make one feel good.
Each time another child/person gets onto the trampoline the chance for injury increases exponentially.
92,000 ER visits for children each year are for trampoline injuries.
A majority of the injuries occur when the body hits the mat, not from falling off.
The worst injuries on a trampoline are head, neck, and spine injuries. Think Whip Lash.

This is an excellent article on tramp. safety.

Please Play Safely
Oh, we will. They have many rules. All 5 of my brothers used this trampoline for years and I worried some, because they were nuts. The only person who got kind of hurt, was my mom when she fell/jumped off. She was trying to avoid getting shocked from the static. I sometimes think that injuries are worse now, with all of the safety netting and what-not, because people then feel "safe". So, careful then goes out the window. I do allow the boys on it together, but only if an adult is out there, because Isaac is huge and Logan is 5. Each by themselves is fine, because they seem to follow the rules, as long as they are by themselves.
I'm so sad the other 2 died, but this does sound really hopeful. Fingers crossed for you TC!
I'm so glad that one is making it!
Good morning everyone!

TC I am sorry for the loss of you two goats babies, but lots of hope for your surviving little one.

Wow it looks like I will have plenty of help from peepers here not only for my chickens as always, but when we get settled in our new place and are able to get goats again. This is such a great group of people.

So at this moment all my girls that need new homes are spoken for. If anyone changes their minds (and that is just fine) I will let everyone else know who needs a home.

On another note, I need help! I noticed yesterday that Big Red my top roo has a swollen foot. I managed to get my hands on him and look at it a bit. I only see one little area that could be somthing like bumble foot (I think that is what it's called) but the black spot is in the crease where is toe comes to the main part of his foot. I kind of have an idea of how to take care of it. But being my first time I would rather someone else do it and show me how so that I know it is done right. Anyone coming to get chickens from me know how to do this and or have the tools to do it with?
I have to go to the barn today, but when I get home I will catch him again
and get some pictures so ya'll can see it too. He is not limping at all, but it is pretty swollen. I feel bad for not noticing it sooner.

Everyone have a great day and enjoy this BEAUTIFUL weather we are having and lets all will it to stay longer!
To everyone here!

Well, I'm NO chicken expert, but I think it's safe to wash it with some soap and dust on first aid powder - couldn't hurt? I hope someone with more knowledge weighs in.

Happy Spring day, everyone!
Quote: I think you have the right idea. Confine them until the afternoon. You should only have to do this for a week or so. Hopefully your run is large.
The book on chickens says most will lay by 10am. My gals never read that book and when I have pointed out this informative piece of literature they turn a deaf ear.
Mine are confined to the coop and run until about 2pm and even then I get a late layer.

Mine are laying until about 4pm right now. I collect a couple times a day to help make sure no eggs get broke. I won't have the breaking issue once we get new coops and runs built to separate the flock into smaller groups. Nothing like 28 birds trying to use only 2 nest boxes. There are boxes that I only ever get two eggs most out of.

The silkies don't even care what time it is. They will lay any time of night or day. Of course they stay outside until they almost cannot see, while the large birds go to bed early.


I get lots of glass in certain areas. Broken mason jars are common. There is an area where a lot of stuff was dumped and either bulldozed over or just waste turned to dirt over the years. I've pulled two scythes, manure fork, a couple of old saws, and a milk can out of there. There is a bunch of stuff still in there. It just takes a lot of work to get anything out with the brush, weeds, and trees. I just wait for frost heaving and rain to make it easier. I think I'm going to drill some holes in the bottom of the milk can and make it into a planter.
For girls not loving their boxes, golf balls!! Works great for some of my stubborn first timers! That and as mentioned before, lock up for morning. Should do the trick

Posted this elsewhere, but no response. So I'll pick your minds during lunch breaks!!!

So, I've been thinking of Sand, or sand mix as during the winter, I had someone helping out with the coop cleaning (I was kinda in the hospital and laid up for a while
They stripped down way too much earth.. which since it's next to the house.. doubled the problems as there was less earth absorbing water, and before it went down.. into my basement of course

I'm thinking sand would be too porous that close to the house by itself.. help??!! lol

I tried the golf balls to get my girls to use specific boxes. Found out that all of my birds very much dislike them and know they aren't eggs. They took the plastic easter eggs better. Even those most knew weren't eggs and I'd find them kicked out regularly. The golf balls were always stuffed in a corner or kicked out. I have a bag of them here still. Last time I was at Coastal, they had some ceramic eggs so I picked up four of them. Certain birds used to shove them off, but after they have gotten a bit dirty, they all treat them like eggs. The dang silkies don't even like blue or brown eggs from the other birds even when broody. I put eggs in there and they all gather around and have a discussion. I had to give them some silkie eggs as well to convince them to set the other eggs.
I am a worry-wart.
I worry about all sorts of things that could happen to the grandkids. It was worse with my kids. 3 boys, all rough and tumble. The good thing was the youngest was a blabbermouth and spilled the beans about what they had done during the day (stuff that was a no-no like swimming in a "lake" that had taken several young lives) or wandering too far away from the neighborhood.
The worse was when they rode their BigWheels down the hill we lived on (in Baltimore City), a concrete street that was approx 200 yards long and steep, and then a power slid at the bottom. All the moms thought that was just great. I could not sit on the front porch and watch, no way. So I had to go inside or embarrass their mom and them.
Yes, I still hear about it today. Humrumpt!
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I'm at the point of the spring when I just want to take antihistamines and sleep, but that is obviously not going to happen.

This morning, the news said the tree pollen was "low" and the grass pollen won't be high until around June. Either the news had it wrong, or I'm more sensitive to tree pollen than I thought (and yes, I've been naughty and spending time outside). Today, my throat has felt like it has been partially swollen. If it is like this when it is "low" - I'm not so sure I want to discover what it is going to be like when it is "high". I thought allergy shots were working, now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to have to pull out my hideous pink respirator and wear it all the time again for quite a bit of this spring.

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