Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hey peeps.....

I have been working on my pen this week. Got the roost setup outside, and they girls love it. They spend more time on the outside perch than in the house. I'm asking on freecycle for some corregated plastic to replace the solid roof with so they will have more light in there.

I'm a little concerned my EE is a roo. My GF said she heard a crowing from the broody pen and investigated to find it was my EEer.

I'm including some pics. I am hoping Matilda (Matty for short) is a girl that was just checking out her adult voice. I don't see spur buds, nor do I see any hackles or saddle feathers that are long and drapy like the roos I have seen on here.

VF, please smell (
) my bird and let me know your thoughts.

I really hope this bird is a girl as she likes to cuddle on my lap as you can see in the first couple of pics. She likes to follow me around. I would be really sad to either find a new home or send him off to freezer camp as the hubby REALLY doesn't want a roo. I haven't heard any crowing in the 4 days the flock has been together.

Thanks for any input.

That is sooo rooster.

Today and yesterday morning I found one piece of poop in the babies coop that had some red. Just my two 9 week old pullets in there.

If they were adults I'd say they're just shedding some of the lining from --- is it their intestines(?).

They are getting unmedicated chick starter and show no signs of illness. They are eating and drinking well, very energetic, eyes and nose look fine, no wounds.

Should I automatically assume this is cocci and treat with Corid, or should I wait and see if something develops?

Little ones can shed intestinal lining - like Jess says


I'm glad to see that Jess has moved past the 'medicate first, diagnose second' stage :)
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If I were rich and less picky I'd call Emporer's Palace and get Chinese food delivered;

We had Emperor's Palace take out; sat eating it on the deck.

We heard this terrible commotion in the goat house, so had to go take a look. Agatha (the older goat) had 2 babies on the ground, and one more popped out as we watched.
[COLOR=FF0000]Three more baby goats![/COLOR]​

She was cleaning them, and had no problem with them nursing, except they didn't manage to stand up very long. One inadvertantly tried nursing on Taffy, who was not amused. Taffy is keeping her little girl in the corner and watching so carefully. I had hoped Taffy would take one of Agatha's if she had three, so that they each would have two. Oh well.

Himself is down there now, keeping an eye on them - I'm (was) cleaning up kitchen and finishing laundry.

Grafting a baby on to a nursing mom is tricky even when the mom is old and experienced. First time? Never seen it happen. Goats are supposed to be relatively more ready to take on another nursling than cows, but when a doe has had issues with nursing her own kid I'd be really surprised if she voluntarily took on an adoptee right off the bat.
Not that I had any doubt about the blue hen's parentage, but she gave me a sage-green egg today- in the run, she is not having any of these plastic laying boxes, thank you very much. My sister found a couple of my old peach boxes with some of my old stuff in them, so I'll get them later today.

Right now I'm resting from cutting a big old trunk out of the middle of the hazelnut bush; it's sagging so much that it shades the clothesline, and that is simply not acceptable. I'm using the saw I'd prefer not to use and thus am about 2/3 done, and I drifted below the undercut, what with the contortions it takes to get anywhere to move my elbow.

Oh, well, maybe while I drink this glass of water it'll split and fall ugly (as hazel tends to do) and then I'll just have to clean up the staub.
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The ducklings are starting to hatch tonight instead of Monday night. Either they take 28 days and not 26 days like I read or they are late because the incubator temperature was low. I have another batch that are due to go into lockdown today according to a 26 day incubation period but I will delay moving them for a couple days, assuming they are on the same timeline as this first group. The first eggs I set were also some older eggs because I had hoped the hens would hatch them but then I decided to buy an incubator. I have some that I don't think will hatch because I did not see any movement when I candled them (they are supposed to be in lockdown but I wanted to see if there was still hope they would hatch) but most of them seem to be alive and well so hopefully they will hatch and the ducklings will be okay. I was worried that I killed them when I moved them into the hatching incubator but now I know they are just late.

All of my ducks have ran on a 28 day hatch time. :thumbsup
Had physical therapy today......those women are spawns of Satan! :mad: I know that it is for my own good but must they really make me cry every time! :hit

Ok onto nicer things............Ah forget it.
I hurt.
It's sunny and I am stuck on house arrest.
I hurt.
I'm bored.
Ok grumpy pants is signing off. Sorry!

Have a great weekend everyone!! Have fun at the Swap! It is always a treat to spend time with the folks from BYC!! Happy planting all you green thumbs! :thumbsup :yesss:
TONI MACARONI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have 2 doz Skovies in my bator, hatching for a neighbor...just wondering if they hatch the same as the wine bottle ducks ???????


The queen of hatching should not have any problems with them .....uh...you know....other ducks! :gig :oops:

Keep the humidity up and don't be shocked if they take longer! You know the drill Mama!

Miss you!!! :love
Working outside for 2 days...in the green house & have cucumbers, red cheese peppers, jalapenos & Anchos all doing excellent...
All bonsai doing excellent, this is perfect weather !!!!!!!!
2 days ago it was 85 here, yesterday about 80, and today is a perfect 75-80.
Perfect weather !

There is a zillion RV's & Trailers marching out here from I-5..one right after the other in a giant slow caravan, irritating the dickens out of the working log truck drivers.........
Ahhhhhhhhhhh lovely weather !!!!!!!!!!

have fun peeps !!!!!!!!!

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