Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

You wouldn't even believe how many people actually think you NEED a rooster to have hens that lay eggs. Don't worry, from the wording, I know you knew hens could lay eggs without a rooster...weren't you asking if hens' eggs were "fertile" without a rooster? If the hen is laying, she IS fertile. IF a hen isn't laying, there's something wrong with her reproductive tract and she is infertile.

(Funny story: My best friends DH is a doctor. A DOCTOR. He insists that hens NEED a rooster to lay eggs. Um, NO. I told my best friend to ask him if she needed him to ovulate...he still insists roosters are necessary for egg laying hens)

Some doctors are just..... well...... never mind. Have him visit my house and I'll hand him a roosterless egg!

On Friday, I got visited by the swamp thing. Here are some pics:

He had mud on every square inch of his body, with the exception of where his underwear was. Had it been a little warmer, I would have just dunked him in the creek. I think he was afraid he was going to be in trouble, so by the time he came up to where I could see him, it was caked and more than half dry. Good times.

Cutie Pie, Mud Pie!

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All you Hatching Mommas & Pappas..... Congrats on the hatchlings and thanks for the pics. SO CUTE!!
Ugh. I'm washing beds today. I usually wash sheets every other week for every bed in the house, but it's...um, gotten away from me. I've been noticing spiders around the house. Usually no big deal. Unless your 6 year old says "Mom, there's 10 spiders in my bed, I counted them!"
So we stripped his bed and found a nest at the foot of his bed under his sheets. So glad nothing bit him! DROWN SPIDERS, DROWN!!!!!! EAT SOAP!!!!!!

Quote: Mikey, no, it's a good suggestion; thing is that we may need to start over from the word dot if it's a hardware faiure, so I have to back up the literal thousands of photo files and all my password protected accounts. DH is a high-level tech support person, so basic maintenance has been taken care of all along. It may be what he calls "cosmic rays, or cruel fate-" in other words nothing lasts forever.
7 years old? I'd campaign for a new computer, then just transfer the files and pics.
Ugh. I'm washing beds today. I usually wash sheets every other week for every bed in the house, but it's...um, gotten away from me. I've been noticing spiders around the house. Usually no big deal. Unless your 6 year old says "Mom, there's 10 spiders in my bed, I counted them!"
So we stripped his bed and found a nest at the foot of his bed under his sheets. So glad nothing bit him! DROWN SPIDERS, DROWN!!!!!! EAT SOAP!!!!!!

Absolutely. In personal space, they die, no if, no and and no buts about it. Grrrrrrrr (hate spiders)
On Friday, I got visited by the swamp thing. Here are some pics:

He had mud on every square inch of his body, with the exception of where his underwear was. Had it been a little warmer, I would have just dunked him in the creek. I think he was afraid he was going to be in trouble, so by the time he came up to where I could see him, it was caked and more than half dry. Good times.

This made be laugh out loud. Brings back many memories of raising 3 boys but I don't recall my boys being THAT caked in mud. That pic should be framed, to give to his new bride as a gift. Never letting her see it b4 hand of course.

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