Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I need some advice, too. I just let my two young pullets in with my hens to test the waters. They're getting along famously! Whew, didn't need to worry after all.

BUT.... the feed. The tykes get chick feed (crumbles) that's 18% protein. The hens get Layer (pellets) with 16% protein.
What do you feed a combined flock? If I go to non-layer pellets + shell on the side, the protein is low. If I go with all chick feed + shell on the side, the hens are going to throw the crumbles far and wide - again. Does anybody sell chick *pellets* or the equivalent? I've got about 9 more weeks of this so it's going to take a full bag of something, I guess.

Suggestions Please! (I'd rather not keep doing wet crumbles).
I feed my chicks chick starter until they are ready to go in with the flock. Then they get to learn to eat flock raiser like all the big chickens. Also The protein in flock is 21% verses 16 for layer.
My flock is crazy mixed ages right now and they all live together. There's a feeder (up a little higher) of layer pellets for the big girls but the mostly prefer chick starter in the 11lb feeder on the other side of the run. The little ones (5 weeks and 12ish weeks) eat mostly chick starter from the same small feeder but sometimes I catch them eating layer feed. Oh well, won't kill 'em! Don't need to stress about them getting a little too much calcium, they all mostly free range anyway and get a lot of greens and bugs!
Now she's the poster child of the twin-egger's club.

I will post pics tomorrow for everyone, and write the measurements. Right now they're both outside in the dark. They're huge and awesome, and well worth the money spent at Costco. Oh and they seat 2 people comfortable as well, probably more like 3. I think it's 57" long! I think they were $80??? Each, but don't quote me on that. I'll make that an exact number tomorrow too
Thanks so much. I hope you are all ok after your crash.
Here's a funny story for y'all. Yesterday afternoon I caught the GSD stealing eggs from nest boxes and decided to close in the front of the coop. I covered the whole front with plastic roofing and left a chicken sized opening in one corner, way too small for a German Shepherd. Come sundown, four of the five hens got in no problem (after a certain amount of milling around and discussing the change) but Nugget the Australorp was having none of it and decided to go roost in the feed station, 30 feet away.

After a few minutes, Big Red the RIR reemerged from the coop, called a few times, then went over to the feed station, got up on the platform next to Nugget and started trying to talk her into joining the rest of the flock. Nugget just ignored her and it was getting dark so we decided it would be best to help Big Red out and carry Nugget back to the coop, which my DP did.

We then expected Red would follow but at that point I think she was too confused by the turn of events and just stood there in the feeding station, looking confused, so I went to her, petted her and told her she was good and backed away... And she followed me back to the coop like a puppy and got in. I think that may be one hen who gets to die of old age.
Here's a funny story for y'all. Yesterday afternoon I caught the GSD stealing eggs from nest boxes and decided to close in the front of the coop. I covered the whole front with plastic roofing and left a chicken sized opening in one corner, way too small for a German Shepherd. Come sundown, four of the five hens got in no problem (after a certain amount of milling around and discussing the change) but Nugget the Australorp was having none of it and decided to go roost in the feed station, 30 feet away.

After a few minutes, Big Red the RIR reemerged from the coop, called a few times, then went over to the feed station, got up on the platform next to Nugget and started trying to talk her into joining the rest of the flock. Nugget just ignored her and it was getting dark so we decided it would be best to help Big Red out and carry Nugget back to the coop, which my DP did.

We then expected Red would follow but at that point I think she was too confused by the turn of events and just stood there in the feeding station, looking confused, so I went to her, petted her and told her she was good and backed away... And she followed me back to the coop like a puppy and got in. I think that may be one hen who gets to die of old age.
LOL sounds like my RIR. she is my oldest girl at four years. she usually follows me around. she is the smartest of the bunch and she too will have a home here for life
Not sure about the DW though
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