Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Happy Monday all!! Thank you to the comments on my mud monster. He is a handful, for sure. Whoever made the comment about framing that pic for his DFW, heck yes. Great idea. I think I will get one of those with more than one pic spot and frame the whole series for her. I tried to get on a couple of times yesterday, but that didn't work out too well with my phone. The wedding went well, they were the most relaxed wedding party I have ever encountered. I think they will be pleased with the work that we did and my mom and I each made some cash. I found out for sure that I do not want to shoot weddings for a career, but it was a great experience.

I got up this morning and did chores, then DD decided to longe her horse. When she went down to the pasture to get him, our little dog followed her and ended up getting run over by (I think) my mare. Poor guy. He seems to be ok, but very sore. I will have to keep an eye on him for a couple of days. There are no broken bones that I can tell, except maybe his tail, but I was a little afraid to touch it, so I will have DH check it when he gets home. We still have quite a bit of mud, I am convinced that is the only reason he came out ok. If it had been summer already and it was dry down there, I am certain he would have been crushed.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi. I now have to go stir my sauce and make some meatballs for dinner.

Itsren- sorry about your girl, I hope she heals quickly.

FWJ- hope you are feeling better soon. Accidents stink.
You are welcome for my suggestion. lol
Corn starch will stop the blood? We have that on hand. So - we won't need qwikstop?
Corn starch works just as well as qwikstop in my experiences. I use it when I accidentally cut to deep when doing the cats and dogs nails.

As for the super glue, just have one of you hold her steady and the other re-adjust the comb correctly and pat it dry (or as dry as you can) then glue the edges together. Hold it for a moment then add another thin layer of glue over the edge for insurance.
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Watch out for that pink bandit, Chicken Rustler.
Of course I've heard that white eggs keep him at bay.

And bats, he hates bats

LOL! Wonder if we can commission him to make these for us to hang on our coops to protect our girls from night time rustling attempts:

Well, the day isn't all bad. My now-fully-fenced asparagus bed is growing. Seems it managed to survive being the girl's favorite place to dust bathe. I lost some of the initial shoots to the girls, but I hope the rest will be OK. It was old enough to harvest some of it this year, but I think I'll wait an extra year just to help it grow stronger.
[COLOR=006400]Happy Monday all!! Thank you to the comments on my mud monster. He is a handful, for sure. Whoever made the comment about framing that pic for his DFW, heck yes. Great idea. I think I will get one of those with more than one pic spot and frame the whole series for her. I tried to get on a couple of times yesterday, but that didn't work out too well with my phone. The wedding went well, they were the most relaxed wedding party I have ever encountered. I think they will be pleased with the work that we did and my mom and I each made some cash. I found out for sure that I do not want to shoot weddings for a career, but it was a great experience.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=006400]  I got up this morning and did chores, then DD decided to longe her horse. When she went down to the pasture to get him, our little dog followed her and ended up getting run over by (I think) my mare. Poor guy. He seems to be ok, but very sore. I will have to keep an eye on him for a couple of days. There are no broken bones that I can tell, except maybe his tail, but I was a little afraid to touch it, so I will have DH check it when he gets home. We still have quite a bit of mud, I am convinced that is the only reason he came out ok. If it had been summer already and it was dry down there, I am certain he would have been crushed.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=006400]  Anyway, just wanted to say hi. I now have to go stir my sauce and make some meatballs for dinner.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=006400]  Itsren- sorry about your girl, I hope she heals quickly.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=006400] FWJ- hope you are feeling better soon. Accidents stink.[/COLOR]

You are welcome for my suggestion. lol
. Sorry, MikeyB! I couldn't remember and did not have the energy to go back and check. It was a fabulous suggestion that I will wrap for her bridal shower gift. ;)
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Itsren - sorry to hear about Blacky :-(

Kim - Happy Birthday!

I could use some not so emergent assistance with my splayed legged chick. 1. Am I smothering? 2. The brace I put on yesterday only made the chick stand funny, now it looks as though the leg splays out further :-( now the brace I put on her just trips her up & she falls & throws both legs back. The only time I can get her calm is by holding it. Poor dear is shaking. The only mobility she seems to have is backwards or tumbling.


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