Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Oh, sorry, I see you were asking about type of feed. Do you have feeders with those little dividers in them so it is much more difficult for the hens to throw feed out? I got those and it was much better!

Hi Kim,
First.... Happy Birthday!!! I guess secrets like that aren't with this group!

Thanks to you and everyone who has offered suggestions on feeding. I think I have a plan that will work now. My feeder doesn't have dividers, it sounds very practical I'll have to see if I can find one at Wilco tomorrow.
Quote: That is how I feel about most of mine. They are all hatchery stock, with the exception of the Silkie. I have a couple that I am not at all attached to, they will simply be here to do their jobs. But most of my flock are my loves. They are curious, at least somewhat friendly and funny. Hermione the EE is one of my favorites, as is Flossie the California Grey. I went out to close the door tonight, it wasn't dark, but they were inside. I was wearing my slippers. They all came flying out of the coop and flocked around my feet, pecking at my slippers. Nutty birds. I guess it must have been the material? They are hard bottomed, but the top is kind of like a tight cable knit and blue. I guess they didn't like them. 21 of the 23 that are here were flocked around my feet.
I have even used dirt. See it was on a goats foot and we were at a show nobody had anything else and it was almost time for that goat to go in the ring. The dirt worked and the judge never noticed. I know dirt is not a good thing to use but hey desperate times call for desperate measures!

Does the powder, corn starch, flour - dirt - just act as an absorbent then? Or does it actually stop the bleeding?
Thanks. We accidentally glued her comb a little crooked, but it looks a lot better than it did. She seems happy and content - thinking she's a princess because she gets to sleep in the house.

Good job with a really challenging situation! I hope I never have to deal with a big wound. You're a super good momma!
Thanks! I think her chicken daddy is a super good chicken daddy, too. We made a good team. I felt bad for him. After it was all done and over he looked at me and commented why it had to happen to his shoulder buddy.
My son (who is the real owner of Blackie) handled it in stride, too.
Just line it up best you can and super glue it like glueing anything else.
I have even used regular flour, just takes a little longer to stop the bleeding.
I used to have a Galah Rose-breasted Cockatoo, who attacked himself all the time on the wings when upset. Yes, I was given a crazy bird to save. When he attacked himself I would throw whatever I had handy on him to stop his bleeding wings and chest. Corn Starch, Flour, Sugar works also. Sugar makes a quick crust also. We also made cones to keep him from reaching his wings, man he hated those. We made them out of exposed ex ray film that the vet had left over. Made great collars cones.

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