Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Thanks! Thats kinda what I thought, but my husband is originally from Albany, NY. When he thinks winter, he thinks snow! Even though he has lived here for 6 years now, he still forgets that its on the mild side. He's also a city person, so the whole "we own animals" thing is still very new to him!

Thanks again!
SplendidsChicke - Nice coop plan! I agree with Matt on the insulating...IMO

I hope no one saw me scarf down my lunch... I'm a little embarrassed! But in my defense I was at my desk so table manners are void there right!?

Has anyone made/used nettle tea fertilizer in their garden? I've heard it helps with powdery mildew and mites as well as having lots of good nourishment. If so, where did you obtain your nettles/where can I find them? Also, I have heard it smells awful... what does it smell like? Worse than fresh chicken poo?

Are there any get togethers going on soon? I'm off for the next 10 days (minus Thursday)...
SplendidsChicke - Nice coop plan!  I agree with Matt on the insulating...IMO

I hope no one saw me scarf down my lunch... I'm a little embarrassed!  But in my defense I was at my desk so table manners are void there right!?

Has anyone made/used nettle tea fertilizer in their garden?  I've heard it helps with powdery mildew and mites as well as having lots of good nourishment.  If so, where did you obtain your nettles/where can I find them?  Also, I have heard it smells awful... what does it smell like?  Worse than fresh chicken poo?

Are there any get togethers going on soon?  I'm off for the next 10 days (minus Thursday)...  :D

I have made and used nettle fertilizer. I have also used the dry leaves as mulch. There are places in the Cascades where nettle grows like a weed. I pick them from camp property where they are not missed at all by campers. You can ferment it in a five gallon bucket with the lid over it. Nettles smell a lot like spinach if that gives you an idea what to expect. Think of canned spinach only slimier and fermented! It is not a horrible smell so I would rank it above chicken poop, LOL.
The second batch of ducklings have had their first bath and now their first swim in a tortilla warmer. I am selling the four darker ones and keeping the lighter one pictured seperate in the first picture.

Here they are all together enjoying their swim.
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I have a question for the call duck experts. Can you help me to determine what colors my babies will be, I purchased them from a lady who saved me various colors to hatch but didnt seperate out which was which so I'm a bit at a loss. Also is there a way to sex a call duck baby besides the obvious vent sexing, I havent done that before and worry about hurting them if I do it. Thank you in advance for all your help.


We moved the chicks to the coop the other day (during thread maintenance) and put a heat lamp in one corner. Here they are today huddled in the far corner away from the heat. The coop is a converted playhouse that we raised because it has a trap door on the bottom (which is closed for now to keep the chicks cooped up) but for $25 is is a pretty decent chicken coop. We added a roost up high for them to use as adults while it was still clean enough for me to crawl inside and then we have a couple of smaller dowels for them to use for now right under the heat lamp with space between for them to huddle. I assume if they are cold they would be on the warm side of the coop, not huddling as far away from the heat as they can get. I expected to see them spread out kicking shavings around and pooping everywhere instead of huddled in a corner.
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I'm hoping someone in here can assist me. I had 9 little call ducks hatch on Saturday all are doing great except for one. I am giving them vitamins I purchased from Metzers in their water, bought the good food. Is there something else I can do for him to give him the best chance to make it? Thank you in advance for any help. I did give them a liitle egg yolk in warm water (someone on NYC suggested that) and with my help got him to eat a bit but not as much as his siblings did. This is breaking my heart.

I would suggest adding Raw Apple Cider Vinegar to the water. Also mixing brewer's yeast to the crumble food. They need high protein and niacin (from the yeast). I used both of these with all my ducklings for at least the first 3 weeks. Did not lose a single one or have any that got sick. :idunno

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