Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I really hope so, they sound great, especially the Hardy part. I'm not familiar with Berrytangle, I'll try to find them. Do you know what town or area they're in? I found three people locally but only heard back from one and she only has eggs available. But, I'm set for now and looking forward to her. I hope she gets along well with the Am. and the GSL, they're nice girls so far.

Okay, I found them. They're in Poulsbo but they don't list Swedish Flower Hen as something they have. The do Olansk and Icelandic and Orps. Rats.


I was one of the first voices on KAOS (and went to the organizational potluck, for that matter) and my husband was on the air there off and on for three decades.

My favorite show was "Music by Composers I can Pronounce" which was the late great Carl Cook's Sunday morning show.

My involvement with TESC goes back to before it was opened, when I was President of The Evergreen State College for 4H county government day, and got to shadow Charlie McCann for the day, which was seriously cool.
countryboy16 has Swedish Flower Hens, and he has chicks now! He is my farming hero - check out his thread on rebuilding his poultry farm - it's fascinating and would be heartbreaking if not for his amazing attitude.
This is for coffeekittie!
Our broody hen out for her morning walk. She is a good mama, this will be her second time.

Video was taken Thursday morning, so only eight days left now!
She's pretty! What a hoot she is with that "I"m an impending mother!" attitude, lol. I can't wait to see the babies, seriously - it's like being a grandma! My own chicklets have been busy hatching out, both kinds you have under your girl. The d'Uccles are tiny! Little silver babies.

DAWN: I've never gotten to watch a broody hen before, that's really something the way she's so careful getting back into the nest. Thank you for sharing that!
It is cool, isn't it? My broody goose, whom I can't stop talking about, is sooo careful with her gigantic clutch. I keep expecting to go down and find more broken eggs. Gosh, I hope not.

I was one of the first voices on KAOS (and went to the organizational potluck, for that matter) and my husband was on the air there off and on for three decades.

My favorite show was "Music by Composers I can Pronounce" which was the late great Carl Cook's Sunday morning show.

My involvement with TESC goes back to before it was opened, when I was President of The Evergreen State College for 4H county government day, and got to shadow Charlie McCann for the day, which was seriously cool.
This quote didn't make it into the original mix - I guess BYC wanted it to stand out, lol.

That is really cool. I love the influence the college has had on this town - Olympia would not be nearly as eclectic, innovative music-wise, or even interesting, if it wasn't here.
My daughter got a baby Australian Spotted duck for her thirteenth birthday! This little one hatched just before midnight and the rest of this clutch should follow close behind.
Very cute chick uh Duckling and a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your Daughter!!!! We had birthdays 14 and 12 over the last week for our DD's

I was one of the first voices on KAOS (and went to the organizational potluck, for that matter) and my husband was on the air there off and on for three decades.

My favorite show was "Music by Composers I can Pronounce" which was the late great Carl Cook's Sunday morning show.

My involvement with TESC goes back to before it was opened, when I was President of The Evergreen State College for 4H county government day, and got to shadow Charlie McCann for the day, which was seriously cool.

This quote didn't make it into the original mix - I guess BYC wanted it to stand out, lol.

That is really cool.  I love the influence the college has had on this town - Olympia would not be nearly as eclectic, innovative music-wise, or even interesting, if it wasn't here. 

Oh, yeah, believe me: as a native, I know (although The Fleetwods were here long before TESC, and Calvin Johnson is a native).
What age can I put my chicks in the coop with a heat lamp?
With the lamp? Whenever you want/feel comfortable/can't escape from your set up. I advise keeping chicks in the brooder until 6 weeks of age, when they go outside without heat (usually at about 4 weeks I'll start only turning lights on at night this time of year)

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