Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Just had my last hatch of the season. 7 Cream Legbars. 4 boys and 3 girls, I "think", but 2 of the boys are very dark, so harder to tell. I have asked their breeder her opinion, so we will see what I really have. Either way, I am THRILLED to finally get some pullets!

Congrats on the Cream Legbar pullets!!! I know it's been a challenge. They're cute little buggers, too.
Carolyn, in all the excitement of aquiring the coops and getting *what* everything is straight, I forgot to ask the ages. Will get back to you... But it will be a long time 'til they are laying! Who knows, maybe I'll keep 'em around that long. Nothing wrong with swapping adults? Oh, except I was originally trying to keep to 2 breeds. Hahhahhaaaa!
Hey we have chicken eggs that hatch in only 10 days!
I think himself mis-typed the set date and forgot. Although,, the date on the eggs say it's only been 10 days. Wouldn't it be nice . . .

Miraculous, you'll have to hire 'himself' out! Maybe he's a chick whisperer.
My hubby has been looking at cars for himself since he had his stolen, Will last week he told me he found me a new ride. What I like my gas sucking truck.. Well now I have a gas sucking Dodge Durango. LOL. Have to say I really like it.. So now we have to sell the truck and yep keep looking for a small car for him.

I'm going to go through my English orpington hens and maybe let some go,plus I have a couple of Nice rooster s that need a new home, really hate to send them to the auction. They are really nice boys.
The girls the chickens and I had a photo shoot yesterday. Her are a few of our Polish chicks. Attempting to post these from my phone. Hope it works!!!
Hey we have chicken eggs that hatch in only 10 days!
I think himself mis-typed the set date and forgot. Although,, the date on the eggs say it's only been 10 days. Wouldn't it be nice . . .
Wow !
I had candled my mystery set and figured out they were getting very close to pip..(.remember I forgot to write down the set date entirely & had no idea what day I had set them !!!)
Got them into lockdown 3 days ago & yes they are hatching today.....wew that was close !

My puter is pitching fits not wanting to start OR locking up & says "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page"....as if there is no connectivity...so I have been defraging & running scans & tests and you name it....also walked the cable to check for cuts, etc.............it is just persnickity !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Need to get this old broad into the nerds to get it up graded & more RAM !!!!!!!!

That means the puter..not me !! LOL
Well, I'm all the way to the one-boot-on stage of readiness which given how very much I did not even want to get out of bed today is no mean feat.

Or something. The delayed boot goes over an ankle brace, and while I feel SO VERY MUCH BETTER at the end of the days when I wear that piece of equipment, it does make getting into and out of shoes and boots a lot more work.

Other than that, not much is happening. Himself and I are at the point where we know Ruby cannot go on much longer; she falls down at random times, one of which had her falling into my worse knee and another jangling his balance badly enough to put him in bed for an hour or until his Big Pill kicked in. I'm feeling really guilty; she's been a thorn in my side for most of her life, and the primary reason the worse knee has gotten, uh, worse, over the years- she has never understood the size hole she needs to actually go through without bending things, and when I have been the primary opener of gates and doors that means I've been what gets bent. She was good for keeping rabbits down and coyotes out of the yard, but those jobs have been beyond her for at least four years (when she turned 11; her Chesepeake Bay Retriever dam died of old age at ten). She's loosing weight rapidly but neither Franklin nor I can lift her- she's "down" to about 75 pounds, after a top weight of something like 110.

My dislike of her (and the resulting doubt about my motivations) and also worry for what her death will do to Griz, who is about 15 months older than she is but in substantially better health and just a much better dog all around, have delayed this decission to a point where there's some sort of canine-induced Stockholm Syndrome going on: other people seem to think that she should have been put out of this mutual misery last winter.

Bother. Why does life have to be so complicated?

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