Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

So, I've made no bones about being a show poultry guy (however one that values production very highly), but admittedly that sometimes puts me out of touch with the more local, mostly backyard/homesteading/pet chicken crowd...my question is, what breeds and varieties do y'all think are the most in demand when you remove the showroom from the equation? Why do you think that?

(No agenda here just hoping for some honest discussion, I have a lot of time to think lately with surgery recovery making it impossible to work normally.)
Just bought a few pullets from a guy. He sold all of his Ameraucana's right away (I got two Barred Rocks and on Leghorn). Seems to be that those cute eater eggers are the go-to for homesteaders. People love the blue/green eggs. Honestly, I'm a backyarder myself and I would love to have a few blue and green eggs in my haul every week.
Now you're not getting EE's and Ameraucanas confused as the same thing right? ;)

The most popular breeds, show room aside, (most don't show anyway) are French Marans (usually black copper since that's what most people know to be good) Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers (though EE's aren't a breed, peoeple are more familiar with them so they often are indeed preferred) and colored Wyandottes, such as Blue Laced Red. Not a show recognized color yet, but people always love the color and despite the rise in breeders and the ahem, not rise, in quality - They still sell like hot cakes it seems.

Most of the time it's all about color or egg color, but for most color comes before egg color out here, since a lot of people either don't like "green" eggs (most see even blues as being green) or aren't aware of the really dark browns.
When I talk to people vaguely interested in getting what they usually call 'pet' chickens, they ask questions like:
1. what *color* are the eggs (hence so many people producing those EE's; the Marans with those deep chocolate tones) novelty gets peoples attention when chatting.
2. are they friendly (most already have cats, bunnies, that sort of thing) and this leans them toward what they hear about "Rhode Islands" or "Banty hens, maybe one of those silkies" (most are shy of Bantam roos, [note, not my term, remember, the backyard casual ckn person, no lambasting me!] based on vague hearsay)
On the silly side, but I still hear these:
3. How much poop is there? If someone could come up with a poopless breed, EVERYONE would have chickens. Or a feed additive for the smell, like with dogs. Any takers on that little project? I could get my dad to take the dratted prod. RIRs he dropped on me back.
4. How much noise do they make? Again, crow-less roosters and cackle-less hens would be top.

It seems to me that there's a reason a lot of people on the homesteading threads mention CX and "freedom rangers" (I'm actually still unclear on what those are...) - Meat, fast, efficient. The CX for those who want it over with, the FR for those who want fast, but on the cheap, 'cause they can still free range. CX and FR don't win ribbons. LOL. Heck, even I'm looking into the new Delaware (which already gets big fast) and considering keeping a few true Cornish so I can cross them. I've found a couple people here in WA that either use Hdelaware or HBuckeye for that purpose. Bet you can't show those crosses either. <shrug>
That's just what I have heard/read/what *I* want... not nec in that order.
So, I've made no bones about being a show poultry guy (however one that values production very highly), but admittedly that sometimes puts me out of touch with the more local, mostly backyard/homesteading/pet chicken crowd...my question is, what breeds and varieties do y'all think are the most in demand when you remove the showroom from the equation? Why do you think that?

(No agenda here just hoping for some honest discussion, I have a lot of time to think lately with surgery recovery making it impossible to work normally.)
Now you're not getting EE's and Ameraucanas confused as the same thing right? ;)

The most popular breeds, show room aside, (most don't show anyway) are French Marans (usually black copper since that's what most people know to be good) Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers (though EE's aren't a breed, peoeple are more familiar with them so they often are indeed preferred) and colored Wyandottes, such as Blue Laced Red. Not a show recognized color yet, but people always love the color and despite the rise in breeders and the ahem, not rise, in quality - They still sell like hot cakes it seems.

Most of the time it's all about color or egg color, but for most color comes before egg color out here, since a lot of people either don't like "green" eggs (most see even blues as being green) or aren't aware of the really dark browns.
I'm new at this! I just know that most people I talk to ask if my hens will lay the blue and green "Easter" eggs. All the people I talk to want "cool" colored eggs. Like the blues and greens.
I have read that bleach doesn't kill cocci- ammonia does.

this is just a bing search result with other people saying it too

Now, as far as the Corid not successfully treating coccidiosis, how much did you give - was it the liquid or powder- and for how many days?
We were doing 2 tablespoons per gallon. Its driving me insame cause I have been told don't do this or that and nothing is helping.
Now you're not getting EE's and Ameraucanas confused as the same thing right? ;)

The most popular breeds, show room aside, (most don't show anyway) are French Marans (usually black copper since that's what most people know to be good) Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers (though EE's aren't a breed, peoeple are more familiar with them so they often are indeed preferred) and colored Wyandottes, such as Blue Laced Red. Not a show recognized color yet, but people always love the color and despite the rise in breeders and the ahem, not rise, in quality - They still sell like hot cakes it seems.

Most of the time it's all about color or egg color, but for most color comes before egg color out here, since a lot of people either don't like "green" eggs (most see even blues as being green) or aren't aware of the really dark browns.
Your BCMs lay the darkest brown egg I have ever seen and your Wheaten Ams the most incredible blue.
Are you selling pullets or just working on breeding?

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