Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

[COLOR=FF0000]Hello to all you new peeps![/COLOR]
[rule]Hope you all hang out and have some fun here. Lots of good folks and information.

Kate, I'm still swamped here; my sister is sick and the apprentice is running her back and forth to doctor's appointments.
I really hope so, they sound great, especially the Hardy part. I'm not familiar with Berrytangle, I'll try to find them. Do you know what town or area they're in? I found three people locally but only heard back from one and she only has eggs available. But, I'm set for now and looking forward to her. I hope she gets along well with the Am. and the GSL, they're nice girls so far.

Okay, I found them. They're in Poulsbo but they don't list Swedish Flower Hen as something they have. The do Olansk and Icelandic and Orps. Rats.
Hopefully you found some Swedish Flower!

Our Swedish Flower flock should be laying in a few months.
I am downsizing some of my SFH...I have three roo and two hens- all chicks, about one month old....I live in Carnation, east of Seattle....

The roos are directly from GFF and the hens chicks from my hens which were from GFF last year

ADDED: Only have one SEH roo available...he is from Greenfire....bargain sale at $10, paid $19. Sold the two pairs this evening (Monday Sept 23)
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Haven't added new photos to this part of the world in too long: the Barbu d'Anvers babies, not so babyish anymore. I'll probably only be keeping two- all the Porcelain or possibly Isobel Columbians are cockerels.

Haven't added new photos to this part of the world in too long: the Barbu d'Anvers babies, not so babyish anymore. I'll probably only be keeping two- all the Porcelain or possibly Isobel Columbians are cockerels.
Oh my goodness, your Porcelains are stunning! :love
I actually like the Self Blue girl in the center best; I'll probably only be keeping her and a Porcelain cockerel and the rest will go back to Kristen. The Mille Fleur pullet is OK, too. That will give me two breeding pens of three individuals each- a Splash Quail male over a quail and blue quail females (which would perfectly produce 25% Splash Quail, 75% Blue Quail chicks) and a pen with Porcelain male over Porcelain and Self Blue females which will produce half Porcelain and half Self Blue split for Porcelain (unless the Self Blue is already split for Porcelain, in which case there will be a mix of Porcelain, Mottled, and Self Blue which the chicken calculator isn't sure about at all).
Well Washingtonians, I have two Black Copper Marans, young cockerels that need homes. Anyone interested before I put them for sale on CL?

I may also have a JG Cockerel too, but not sure. They are all 11 1/2 weeks old.
Well Washingtonians, I have two Black Copper Marans, young cockerels that need homes. Anyone interested before I put them for sale on CL?

I may also have a JG Cockerel too, but not sure. They are all 11 1/2 weeks old.

I've been looking for a Marans pullet for several months now; I can't seem to get just one, nor any females.

I seriously need to get your Splash girls to you- except I don't dare touch the plastic on the hoop house until I've got plastic to replace it and getting them out involves opening part of the roof. I wish there was somewhere local to get greenhouse plastic in rolls, because I've got about eight feet or so left and the stuff that's been rubbing against wire for a year or two is popping like soap bubbles. It needs entirely redesigned so a human can walk in, which I was going to do this summer but reality kept intervening.

My sister is better, for very loose values of better; I'm still running grocery errands for her, and had to go retreive The Nephew at school today (via the apprentices driving) because he was puking again.

And I fear that I will soon go out and spend money I don't have on something I don't need just to keep my personal virtue levels from becoming toxic.

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