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Has anyone tried (food grade) diatomaceous earth with new chicks? shouldn't hurt them, I would think, and should kill the lice. Other people use Borax, etc. but I know for sure FGDE won't hurt for them to ingest it, even in big amounts.
Good luck!
Ok guys I kinda have a question . I have a silkie out there on her nest with 2 babies hatched this morning and last I looked 2 more pipped and 2 unpipped eggs. I was out there this morning watching and listening to the chicks and I was tinkering with mammas feathers and I saw what looks to be lice. I was informed that lice will kill the babies and someone told me to treat her and put new bedding and such in there but.... I am afraid tjat she won't lay on her eggs again and won't the powder hurt the new babies? Should I take the babies away and put the eggs in the incubator I am all new to the bugs and the babies :)

She's a Silkie, it'd be near impossible to get her to stop, so I'd follow that advice. Be very very careful with powder and especially if you choose to use DE, it is a lung irritant and birds including chickens have very sensitive lungs.
Ok guys I kinda have a question . I have a silkie out there on her nest with 2 babies hatched this morning and last I looked 2 more pipped and 2 unpipped eggs. I was out there this morning watching and listening to the chicks and I was tinkering with mammas feathers and I saw what looks to be lice. I was informed that lice will kill the babies and someone told me to treat her and put new bedding and such in there but.... I am afraid tjat she won't lay on her eggs again and won't the powder hurt the new babies? Should I take the babies away and put the eggs in the incubator I am all new to the bugs and the babies

I use Ivomec(pour on for cattle) to treat lice/mites on my birds. I put a drop on the back of their necks about every 6 months. Everyone has been brooding lately so I wasn't too surprised when I saw some lice on one of the bantam hens(been brooding the longest). They were a little late for treatment so I went ahead and did everyone, including my hens that are hatching and one hen that's in the brooder with 30+ babies. I figure the chicks will be rubbing all over under momma so it'll probably take care of any on them.

A week later everyone's still alive, still hatching and I haven't seen anymore bugs.
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She's a Silkie, it'd be near impossible to get her to stop, so I'd follow that advice. Be very very careful with powder and especially if you choose to use DE, it is a lung irritant and birds including chickens have very sensitive lungs.

My showgirls is the one of the few that haven't bothered to sit yet... she likes the single life i guess!
I love my Silkes...nothing fancy but great mamas...they brood quickly and raise 1-2 sets a year. And they are the meanest mom (aside from Mama Muscovy Duck)....I jut love it when the chicks are bigger than them and they go under them and poor Silkie is about lifted off the ground trying to cover them. I have two that are raising chick and laying eggs. How wild is that!
I get my ducks tomorrow!...And today we're getting our two White-Faced Whistling Ducks who might be living in our bathroom for awhile since the hubby hasn't finished our updated half coop half duck house mega pen just yet. (Don't worry, we're keeping the ducks and hens separate! ...last time I asked you'd think I was a murderer).
I'm not sure why people think you should keep them separate. Ours all share the same pasture and they do fine together. Of course, it's a big pasture, so maybe that's why . . .?
I'm not sure why people think you should keep them separate. Ours all share the same pasture and they do fine together. Of course, it's a big pasture, so maybe that's why . . .?
As long as you have PLENTY of female ducks, and the drakes never are interested in a chicken, you'd be fine. A drakes *ahem* male anatomy will KILL a chicken it mates with. Pretty horrible way to go. That's the concern. The big space probably helps also. Also, something else niggles the back of my brain, some disease or maybe a parasite that doesn't bother ducks (who are often carriers), but chickens can pick up from their poop and it can cause problems... bah! What was that thing....
I use Ivomec(pour on for cattle) to treat lice/mites on my birds. I put a drop on the back of their necks about every 6 months. Everyone has been brooding lately so I wasn't too surprised when I saw some lice on one of the bantam hens(been brooding the longest). They were a little late for treatment so I went ahead and did everyone, including my hens that are hatching and one hen that's in the brooder with 30+ babies. I figure the chicks will be rubbing all over under momma so it'll probably take care of any on them.

A week later everyone's still alive, still hatching and I haven't seen anymore bugs.
If you use Ivomec on chickens who are laying, will that affect the eggs at all? Will they be safe for humans? What about dogs?
I have a Black Copper Marans pullet that is about 6 months old that is available $20. I am located in Carnation. She is related to my Roo so I am selling her.

I didn't think you had any left; I'll have to figure out how to get to Carnation, or the person who wants the chicken will. PM me an email address?
I've been looking for a Marans pullet for several months now; I can't seem to get just one, nor any females.
[rule][COLOR=B22222]I have a black copper pullet I can spare, since you have the two splash ones for me (plus the dead bunny)[/COLOR]

I seriously need to get your Splash girls to you- except I don't dare touch the plastic on the hoop house until I've got plastic to replace it and getting them out involves opening part of the roof. I wish there was somewhere local to get greenhouse plastic in rolls, because I've got about eight feet or so left and the stuff that's been rubbing against wire for a year or two is popping like soap bubbles. It needs entirely redesigned so a human can walk in, which I was going to do this summer but reality kept intervening.
[rule][COLOR=B22222]I can come by, I've even got a catching net if that helps by not touching plastic. Just let me know[/COLOR]

My sister is better, for very loose values of better; I'm still running grocery errands for her, and had to go retreive The Nephew at school today (via the apprentices driving) because he was puking again.
[rule][COLOR=B22222]Glad she's doing better, must be w weight off your mind[/COLOR]
And I fear that I will soon go out and spend money I don't have on something I don't need just to keep my personal virtue levels from becoming toxic.

[COLOR=B22222]I need to do that too. The buckling died tonight, and the dogs dug up my planters and tore open some furniture cushions and . . .[/COLOR]

[COLOR=B22222]oh well . . .[/COLOR]

I'd rather take things out at night, is all: less stress and all. I'm stuck here today, Apprentice is working until 4pm and I may have to be here through 6pm anyway because of toilet installation.

It's good that my sister is getting better, since the Apprentice got hired for fast food on the opening-after school shift. Good for her goals, not so great for my ability to get around during the day.

There's a Peruvian artifacts exhibition opening at SAM next month; I shall be going and then looking in the gift store for the aforementioned things I don't need and can't afford.

Just did my first lap around the yard and am now on the chicken treats/human reject food phase. Margo got some sausage last year-maple sugar flavored- that nothing but the chickens like, and I found some buggy angelhair pasta in the back of the pantry shelves that needs out of my life. Voila: chicken treats!

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