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Ex smoker here too. Cold turkey after 28 years 2 packs per day and probably 4-5 serious quit attempts. It's been 12 years. I can now have a cigar on rare occasions (maybe once or twice a year) but mostly I just don't like the smell anymore.

So, anyone here raise Muscovies? DP bought me an incubator for Midwinter. It's just killing me that I have no eggs to hatch.

Yep, but they aren't laying this time of year since they are seasonal layers. Probably early spring. There may be some out there that have them in inside quarters who get eggs earlier, don't know any though.
Yep, but they aren't laying this time of year since they are seasonal layers. Probably early spring. There may be some out there that have them in inside quarters who get eggs earlier, don't know any though.
Wow! Are those all Muscovies? I'd love to hear more about them... You must like them or you wouldn't have so many, right? When do they start laying? Do you eat them?
Wow! Are those all Muscovies? I'd love to hear more about them... You must like them or you wouldn't have so many, right? When do they start laying? Do you eat them?
Yep, with the exception of a few chickens in there! Yes, we eat them; very tasty meat, more like veal or ham, it's dark and rich and not very much fat like other ducks. Also eat the eggs, and bake with them. Plus out Asian friends eat them so we have a good market for them. They don't quack, and are really easy to keep.

We should have eggs in early spring. Last year we raised about 160+/-. Gave a full year of meat (just the two of us) plus the rabbits goats and chickens. Hardly ever buy anything anymore, except when we need RED meat!
We should have eggs in early spring. Last year we raised about 160+/-. Gave a full year of meat (just the two of us) plus the rabbits goats and chickens. Hardly ever buy anything anymore, except when we need RED meat!
Sounds great! I love duck and so does everyone in my family. We had duck for Thanksgiving -none of us care for turkey. I'd love to get together some time and pick your brains about raising them. How does dinner at Aya in exchange for eggs and wisdom sound? :D
Those are absolutely gorgeous! I love poppies of every kind but have never had good luck growing them. Strange how a person can have great luck with some things and terrible with others. I'm so jealous when I drive by a yard with a flower bed full of these beauties! Congrats to those that have the knack!
Carolyn...if you need tips on gardening or soils or weather patterns pertaining to plants, anywhere in the western Washington area, consult Hallerlake or Stumpfarmer.................BOTH are plant geniouses...if that is the correct word...........................Plant wizards ?
Seriously !
I am going to go out on a limb and say you were never a smoker? Addictions are VERY hard to break, and unless youve been there you could never understand. I smoked for 15years tried to quit cold turkey a few times with no success. I have tried the patch the gum Chantix(nasty stuff). 193 days ago I got one of those vaporizers, havent had a cigarette since. Its just prolopalene glycol, flavoring, and a nicotine so its significantly healtheir then a cigarette and no 2nd hand smoke or smell. Its not a perfect fix but my doctor said its 100x better for me. To those who do smoke and are trying to quit... Keep up the good fight!
Every person has there strengths & weaknesses.
I started smoking when I was about 16...maybe 15.
I kept it up all my life & got into home roll tobacco (no filter) at about age 30.........................living in the backwoods.
I hated the way it controled my behavior.
I hated the way any drug or any thing would control a human.
I went through hypnosis, and all the drugs trying to quit and of course nothing, absolutely NOTHING will work as long as you want a cigarette (or any other thing!)
Only until you grab your own self around the neck and say NO ! will you ever succeed.
You have to want to stop.
This does not mean "tapering down" or a pill or hypnosis is going to magically make you stop.
Only you can stop, and only if you WANT to stop.
You need to plan your stopping, empty ashtrays, throw all the butts out, and clean your clothes of the smell, and change your habits to avoid the "triggers".
For example, my Mother tells the ""funny"" story of how she could not have a BM when she was in stoppage...she was so used to having a lit cigarette when she went into the bathroom, that without one, she could not go !
Those habits and triggers must be avoided and start a new habit by all means !
When you crave a smoke, pop a lifesaver's wild cherry in your mouth..........WOW !!!!
Pretty soon, a week or 2, you will be addicted to lifesavers..........no lie.
It really is easier to manipulate yourself, than you think.
Once you learn how, you will find it is easy.
All you have to do is STOP.
Give yourself something else to do...life savers, sunflower seeds...walking & exercise are a great help.
Avoid the smoking pits at work on breaks..and start new & healthy habits.

Yes I have been there...far more than I will say !
Well, I was a smoker for over 40 years so I do understand. I tried to quit so many times, and always failed. I think because I tried to taper off. I finally did it 7 years five months 3 weeks and 4 days ago - just stopped.

The nicotine is out of the system in 72 hours. It's the psychological part that is hard, and harder for some than others. I remember wanting a cigarette for months - it wasn't until after 6 months that I walked past someone smoking, and realised I hadn't had a craving for some time.

So for all those trying, keep on going! It can be done.

Dwkuska; since you are over the need for the actual cigarette, you may be able to get rid of the need for nicotine entirely. Good luck to you.
This is exactly what I am saying...start a new habit !
If you choose the e-cig, than that will work for you.
We are all different.
The point that really helps is to be ready, plan a date, have help, friends, family and replace the "habit" with something you enjoy...even sugar free lifesavers for example.
But there is no such thing as "tapering off"
Keep up the good work though !
Cold Turkey is the only way to go & it is not as hard as you think...before you realize it, days, then weeks and then years have gone by.
I am glad I quit, at this age is when folks my age get cancer.
You cannot smoke for that many years and expect your body to be healthy.
Best wishes !
Ex smoker here too. Cold turkey after 28 years 2 packs per day and probably 4-5 serious quit attempts. It's been 12 years. I can now have a cigar on rare occasions (maybe once or twice a year) but mostly I just don't like the smell anymore.

So, anyone here raise Muscovies? DP bought me an incubator for Midwinter. It's just killing me that I have no eggs to hatch.
Right on cold turkey !!!
Especially 2 packs a day !
Good job !!!
I too am looking for 15-20 ducklings to raise for the freezer....all I can find is a pair of Pekins...........crested Pekins at that...freaky weird ducks !
I will start hatching about January-Feb.
No ducks I know of lay until days get longer.
Ducks about March-April, Turkeys about June-August, here anyways.
Chickens laying about late Jan-Feb some will be fertile (here anyways) buying shipped eggs from UP NORTH or back east up north (like Kansas to Minnesota) eggs maybe infertile or 50% or less fertile.
That's a lot of $ for blanks.
Yeppers working on that now. The vaporizer"juice" comes in mg doses 24/18/12/8/6/and 0mg. I am finishing up 6mg and will be going to 0mg for a month and then I should be done. every bump down has been a bit of a challenge as somehow my body knows that its not getting the same amount. Wierd eh? Oh well cheers!
As you taper down, start a new habit !
For example...every time you want a smoke, pop a candy, gummi, mint or lifesaver in your mouth.
Before you know it, you will be totally addicted to lifesavers.
I was !
I was FLIPPING OUT if I was running out of lifesavers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that, my friend, is WEIRD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But oh so healthy !

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