Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I'm just across the lake in Kirkland, with six newly laying pullets :celebrate


Very close! I knew there had to be some hen houses up this way :)

Did you hatch your girls? Do you have a favorite feed and chicken supply shop in your area? I like Portage Bay Grange, but I also like to explore and find new places.
Hi - I'm a new member and just wanted to say hi on the Washington thread! Any Seattle area hen homes on here?
I'm in Seattle!
Hello! What a lovely flock you have and I love the picture of the chicken in the Sling. That might calm down my bully hen!!

Do you have any local feed/supply shops you recommend?
Did you check in with neighbors to see if they'd mind the sound? Our neighbors stop by to ask how the girls are doing & the boys across the way helped collect eggs and water them when we were not home during the summer. A few neighbors have commented that their noises add a nice layer over the normal street sounds in the am and they only sing the egg song for a minute or so. I do make a point to drop off extra eggs every once in awhile!

Have you found a place to buy your babies? How do ducks keep during the winter?

Ducks are easier to keep then Chickens in many, many ways (less disease, less affected by weather extremes to name two big ones). They do take more space, and females are much louder though.
Did you check in with neighbors to see if they'd mind the sound? Our neighbors stop by to ask how the girls are doing & the boys across the way helped collect eggs and water them when we were not home during the summer. A few neighbors have commented that their noises add a nice layer over the normal street sounds in the am and they only sing the egg song for a minute or so. I do make a point to drop off extra eggs every once in awhile!

Have you found a place to buy your babies? How do ducks keep during the winter?
I haven't checked with the neighbors. We know both of our next door neighbors, but I don't want to ask them if they'd mind, then if they decide they don't like them, have them tell me. Plus the neighbor who's house it would be closest to creeps me out. I avoid talking to him as much as possible.

Ducks are very hardy and less dependent on humans in general. I'm trying to find someone locally with some ducklings that I can buy, but if that fails, I'll grab a trio of adults and let them hatch out a clutch before I take a few and hand-raise them, then eat the adults.
Very close! I knew there had to be some hen houses up this way :)

Did you hatch your girls? Do you have a favorite feed and chicken supply shop in your area? I like Portage Bay Grange, but I also like to explore and find new places.

I got my girls as day-old chicks from Portage Bay Grange, as well as some of my supplies. They were very helpful as I was just starting out, and gave me advice on using amprolium (sp?). I usually get my feed, grit, and oyster shell all from MudBay, right by my work. They carry Scratch and Peck, which I prefer as it's all organic and GMO free :D I've also had good experiences with the Bothell Feed Center.
I got my girls as day-old chicks from Portage Bay Grange, as well as some of my supplies. They were very helpful as I was just starting out, and gave me advice on using amprolium (sp?). I usually get my feed, grit, and oyster shell all from MudBay, right by my work. They carry Scratch and Peck, which I prefer as it's all organic and GMO free
I've also had good experiences with the Bothell Feed Center.
Bothell feed center is great! Where are you getting bedding like straw and wood shavings and whatnot?
Bothell feed center is great! Where are you getting bedding like straw and wood shavings and whatnot?
I get their bedding from MudBay also, just because it's so nearby. I buy Gem Premier White Wood Shavings, the really big, compacted block for about $14? I think. My chickens are still living in a big dog kennel in our garage as I wait OH SO PATIENTLY for my boyfriend to finish their coop (did you pick up the sarcasm there? He told me initially it would only take him a few weeks to get it built- it's been SIX MONTHS!) and the shavings get changed out once a week, with a whole package lasting about 4-5 weeks, depending on how many times they spill their water
I get their bedding from MudBay also, just because it's so nearby. I buy Gem Premier White Wood Shavings, the really big, compacted block for about $14? I think. My chickens are still living in a big dog kennel in our garage as I wait OH SO PATIENTLY for my boyfriend to finish their coop (did you pick up the sarcasm there? He told me initially it would only take him a few weeks to get it built- it's been SIX MONTHS!) and the shavings get changed out once a week, with a whole package lasting about 4-5 weeks, depending on how many times they spill their water

Sounds like your BF doesnt value his garage as much as he should. Chicks live in the garage untill they are old enough to go into the flock... which usually means I am booting them out @ 5weeks lol. Its MY garage!
Sounds like your BF doesnt value his garage as much as he should. Chicks live in the garage untill they are old enough to go into the flock... which usually means I am booting them out @ 5weeks lol. Its MY garage!

He keeps complaining to me about the dust the chickens are generating, the mess from scratching the bedding out of their crate, the noise, and (occasionally) the smell (usually on "cleaning day"), and I SO BADLY want to turn it around on him and tell him if he would just FINISH THE COOP it wouldn't be a problem!

But I don't. I just go with him to Home Depot, clean up after the girls, give them lots of treats and love, and gather the eggs every day. I've been doing all the primary chicken care, and with how cold it's been this week, I'd rather they were in the garage where their water doesn't freeze and I can check on them easily.

I love my girls
And the coop will get done when it gets done.

I love my boyfriend too, I guess

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