Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I haven't been on here in a while. But could you local peeps help me identify some of my chickens?

Could this white hen be laying green eggs?



Thanks for any help. We got 4 new pullets in the Fall and it appears two are roosters. LOL

In order:

Always possible with unknown parentage, but unlikely.


Hot water actually doesn't freeze faster then cold water.  It has to cool to the freezing temperature before it can freeze.  It takes twice as long.  If i do cold water then it freezes within a half hour, if i do hot they have water for 3 hours before i have to go change it out.    i'd rather only have to go outside every 3 hours instead of every half hour. 
we did this as a a lab experiment in high school and I've observed this in my freezer with ice cube trays. I'm talking about freezing solid, not just on top. Your kiddie pool is not freezing solid in half an hour or even in 3 hours.The denser colder water will sink, leaving the warmer water on the surface to freeze. So if you want to prevent _surface_ freezing using the least amount of energy you are better off with a pump to keep the water mixed than a heater, at least around here where we don't have extended single digit temps.
From my fishkeeping days, there is a black plastic heater called the stealth heater. You could Try that in conjunction with a cheap submersible water or air pump to keep things moving. Or have you tried putting a dog kennel heater mat under the pond?
now THIS is a nice surprise to come home to!

A Silkie chick!!! Hen is either white, black, or Partridge. Roo is either Partridge or Splash
How is everyones flocks holding up in this weather?    Mine is doing okay, i keep giving them warm water throughout the day to help warm their bodies.   They are eating a lot of food.    I did some sugary candies in the yard which attracted lots of ants for them to eat :)

Anyone here have ideas to keep the ducks pond thawed?    It's a kiddy pool.     using a fish tank heater would melt it and is honestly dangerous (glass and ducks bad), I don't know what to do with it.   It's solid ice.    Right now they have a large dog dish i keep knocking the ice out of to refill with warm water it's deep enough (for a few minutes anyway) for them to dip their heads in.   

Birdbath heater maybe. Newer aquarium heaters are black plastic, most of them aren't glass anymore.
we did this as a a lab experiment in high school and I've observed this in my freezer with ice cube trays. I'm talking about freezing solid, not just on top. Your kiddie pool is not freezing solid in half an hour or even in 3 hours.The denser colder water will sink, leaving the warmer water on the surface to freeze. So if you want to prevent _surface_ freezing using the least amount of energy you are better off with a pump to keep the water mixed than a heater, at least around here where we don't have extended single digit temps.
Eh... deleted
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How is everyones flocks holding up in this weather? Mine is doing okay, i keep giving them warm water throughout the day to help warm their bodies. They are eating a lot of food. I did some sugary candies in the yard which attracted lots of ants for them to eat :)

Anyone here have ideas to keep the ducks pond thawed? It's a kiddy pool. using a fish tank heater would melt it and is honestly dangerous (glass and ducks bad), I don't know what to do with it. It's solid ice. Right now they have a large dog dish i keep knocking the ice out of to refill with warm water it's deep enough (for a few minutes anyway) for them to dip their heads in.

Just a though but what about a horse trough de-icer? Alot of ranchers use similar products to keep horse/cattle water troughs from freezing. Not sure how big your pond is but I would suspect this would work great for you!

 I understand that it doesnt make sense... but alas you are mostly incorrect in your statement. Hot water in most cases does in fact freeze faster then cold water. It doesnt seem like that would be the case energy wise but they go over this very topic alot in physics classes from high school even on into universities. Here is just one link, though you can Bing the question and find thousands of tests, studies and articles on the matter.
Actually, if you scroll back I said hot water freezes faster. Maybe you intended to quote someone else?

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