Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

they're sooooo CUTE!
I'm impatiently waiting for my ducks and chickens to begin laying eggs. After the freeze they started for a whole 2 days. Then what i'm thinking was a racoon got in the coop. everyone is alright, one muscovy female was pulled out of the coop (i can't even find a hole where she was ripped out of it from) but she was in shock, had blood (not hers) on her nails. She was waiting right out my back door for me when she was in shock.
After 2 nights in the house she's back out and almost back to normal but no eggs. :(
Hi all, I just got a shipment of chicks from MyPetChicken and have too many. If anyone is looking for some, please PM me.

Available are: 10 Barred Rocks, 1 Australorp and 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte

Sexed females, hatched on the 18th. All are happily eating, drinking, and running around.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Final count on he Kummer Poultry batch - incubated 24, hatched 15, so far looking good in the brooder. Four eggs are left that are unpipped, will candle tonight but if they look ok, how long should I give them?

The last one out had a bloody pip and was unable to even zip and with nothing left to lose I peeled her out of the shell yesterday morning. I was sure she'd be dead when I came home that evening but she was still alive but dry/sticky (not fluffy) with dried bloody membrane covering one wing. I put her in the brooder, but the other chicks immediately started pecking her and I knew I had to clean her up. I moistened my hands with hot water and handled her a bit to take off the goo and soften the membrane so I could peel it off her wing, then wrapped her in a clean cloth and held her on my chest and fed her vinegared water drops while I watched video. After a couple of hours she was fluffy, so I put her in the brooder. The chicks were sleeping so no one hassled her and she scooted under the heater. Can't even tell which one she is now.
Final count on he Kummer Poultry batch - incubated 24, hatched 15, so far looking good in the brooder. Four eggs are left that are unpipped, will candle tonight but if they look ok, how long should I give them?

The last one out had a bloody pip and was unable to even zip and with nothing left to lose I peeled her out of the shell yesterday morning. I was sure she'd be dead when I came home that evening but she was still alive but dry/sticky (not fluffy) with dried bloody membrane covering one wing. I put her in the brooder, but the other chicks immediately started pecking her and I knew I had to clean her up. I moistened my hands with hot water and handled her a bit to take off the goo and soften the membrane so I could peel it off her wing, then wrapped her in a clean cloth and held her on my chest and fed her vinegared water drops while I watched video. After a couple of hours she was fluffy, so I put her in the brooder. The chicks were sleeping so no one hassled her and she scooted under the heater. Can't even tell which one she is now.

If you already opened incubator even if they were still viable they would likely be stuck to shell. It is best to not open the incubator until all chicks have hatched (usually day 22 or sometimes I let them go to 23 if needed) as the loss of humidity "glues" them to the shell and membrane.
For me, this is a dangerous time of the year..... chick season!!!!! My daughter and I went by Snohomish Co-op after her GS meeting, and walked out with chicks.... duh.... 4 Buff Polish, 4 Red Polish, 2 Mottled Houdan, and 2 Crevecoeur..... they are all in the horse trough now, with 2 heat lamps, 2 water dishes, and a food dish... they all seem to be eating and drinking. I'm hopeful most will survive... I know Polish aren't the most hardy of chicks, and don't take well to shipping. I'm going to do my best not to get more chicks until the Monroe show.... we will see how that works out!
Hoping to find some scovy ducklings at the Monroe show. I fear that's the only way I'm gonna light a fire under my husband's *** to get the enclosure built outside for them!

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