Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Lol, I will try to remember but in case I don't I will probably post here to find homes anyway
to remember !


****************** the computer is excellent, so far, but this new key board is awful !
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Actually, around here the road to hell is paved with OSB ! ! !
I'll explain.
See, DH (Einstein) HAD to build my coops with OSB, to which I said NO IT WILL ROT, but he did it anyways, and now 1 has to be refaced with plywood due to being rotted.
The stuff is 1/2" OSB, primed & painted and swoll up to 1& 1/2" and you could punch through it.

DH (Einstein) has been shown, and now he has to take the rotting stuff off, and put the correct siding on that he should have used in the first place.

Good intentions indeed !

(sigh) and what do I mostly have to build this quarantine coop with ?

*** OSB ***

plus some unseasoned white pine (?) from pallets discarded by the roadside

the OSB *is* painted one side .. and that side seems to be relatively weatherproof so long as it isn't in contact with the ground

plus it will be underneath the deck on the lee side of the house --

I've located some old grungy plywood that was likewise discarded by the side of the road, that will be the "sacrificial" bit on the ground underneath the coop, and that framework is nice hem-fir 2x4s

now if it will only stop raining and let things dry out for a day or two or three
Hi Robin

Duckles doing well - taa much!
gee whiz, I have duckles outside in the mud...it is NON STOP flooding here right now..seriously flooding everything, and we are a hillside....................scarey !
Had 2 skovie duckles LOST & gave them a new coop,so hopefully they will be warm & dry til morn.



I hate this new keyboARD !!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a couple that you might be interested...since I am new to hatching & can't seem to stop I am having way too many cute babies growing up and need to make more room in the big girl coop within the next month. My original flock of 14 birds are all either just over or just under a year old, I am looking to rehome about half  of them as well as remodel and make more room.
Some are already waiting on new homes, but I do have 2 Barred Rocks & an Australorp that I can start you out with. Also an Olive Egger that I am not sure has laid yet or not since she is one of my youngest. She is from a Rhodebar & has that look. My smaller Barred Rock was my 1st layer ever, I have a soft spot for her but I am super attached to all my egglet babies :) 
We are headed through Olympia on our way to Hood Canal on the 1st or 2nd if you are interested & want to meet up on our way there?

I appreciate the offer but I have my flock arranged. Best wishes in the rehoming of your birds. :)
Our chicks are getting so big. We've had them for three week now (tomorrow). Some of them are almost ready for the outdoor coop!
This is our favorite chick, Pigeon. The friendliest, most easy going .... and I'm pretty sure a boy (because of the red starting to show, but we'd really love if this was a female), actually I'm pretty sure we have several boys from the Barred Rock chicks we got! I think we ended up with 7 BR and 3 Jersey Giants out of that batch. All of them were suppose to be BR chicks.

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We got a surprise litter of bunnies last night! I thought we had the bucks and does separated into two large runs but it turns out one of the bunnies from last year that we thought was a doe was really a buck after all. The rabbits are all so fat because we keep their feeder full and instead of having three connected runs the does are all in one run so I can use one of the runs as a breeder pen for a pair of ducks and another run is home to the bucks. I did not check to see if they were pregnant because we had not intended to breed any at this time. There were eight bunnies but only five survived because they were so cold without a nest box before we brought them in with the mother. I used a heating pad to warm up the surviving babies and they are doing well now.

Obviously all the does are pregnant as well because that is the way with rabbits. I am trying to find a new home for two together because they are bunnies we kept when we should have sold them all last year. I would like them to be pets but obviously whoever takes them will end up selling bunnies because that would be too many to keep. I have two more that look too close to having their babies and they are our original does so we will probably keep them, just when I was thinking I would rather not take care of rabbits again while my daughter is at camp during the summer. I had just listed rabbits in order to reduce our resident rabbit population and now they are multiplying!
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Duck drover - do you have a photo of your bunny setup? I'd kind of love rabbits, but need something cheap and simple to get my husband to sign off on it.

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