Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

My sons favorite is two bags of frozen diced style hash browns.. Two cans of cream of chicken a tub of sour cream. Cubed ham and cheddar cheese all mixed with lots of season salt then topped with crushed cornflakes with melted butter. Bake until cooked fully with foil. I thaw the hash browns first to cut baking time.
WOW that all sounds awesome !!
Haven't been on here for a few. It is a flooding mess around here!!! My culdasac is a lake and my birds just want to be wet and muddy!!! Trust me there are plenty of safe places for them to go. The girls are doing well besides looking like drowned rats... Alice, my Minorca is the only one who has had it with this weather. Well hope you all are staying dry.. Working on making a homemade incabator... It's a learning adventure. Don't worry, no eggs until I get this down good.,
I have made many, and the favorite is the one I made out of a cabinet box (wood, not OSB...) and added a computer fan, and a brooder assemble from gQf.................

$78. Cutler Supply~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


This is my main hatching bator...while I incubate in the cabinet, and hatch in this box....
An this is the one I have fired up to incubate the eggs now....no way am I plugging in the big incubators !
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HenKat - You have a beautiful coop for the girls. They will be fine in there during cold weather.

About the water on the floor - you shouldn't put anything like straw or shavings down since it will soak up the water and you'll end up with a mess. The water isn't going to hurt the chickens, but it is a pain if you planned to put bedding down. You will probably need to seal the edges some how to keep the water out, or you can build the floor up with pallets or something so the water goes underneath and the top stays dry. My coop is also an old dog run. I layered the floor with about 3 inches coarse gravel and then covered that with rubber stall mats. The mats are heavy and can be expensive, but you can get them used sometimes. They are easy to clean though, and any water that gets in stays in the gravel.
I hope this helps!
THIS IS NOT MY PROPERTY; but I'd like to help these people provide a better run for their flock. Pic was taken this afternoon. As suggested, would road base be the first step?

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