Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

The second one does look like a young cockerel. Look at the curved tail feathers. None of my hens have those.
My power has gone out twice this week, so I'm not incubating now. Sounds like fun though. Good luck with your hatch!
still out ?
Seems like every time 'they' fix the power, it gets knocked out again.
We are lucky.
Most of our lines are underground, and in the last 6 years we lost power once, for about 3 hours.
I am saving Sulmtaler eggs again, to do another set in a week.....
So far I have 3 eggs left to hatch tomorrow.
There is 4 or 5 Lavender Orps, and a few Sulmtalers in this first set.
Got to get them out of there later today...they are messing with the last chicks hatching.
Little boogers.................

The second one does look like a young cockerel.  Look at the curved tail feathers.  None of my hens have those.  ;)

That's what I was getting concerned about as well - but I'm going to wait until I can get a good look in daylight :/ I've only been able to see them after dark when they are roosted so far. Do you think it's a bantam though, it is tiny compared to my chick that was hatched in August?
That's what I was getting concerned about as well - but I'm going to wait until I can get a good look in daylight
I've only been able to see them after dark when they are roosted so far. Do you think it's a bantam though, it is tiny compared to my chick that was hatched in August?
The cockerel, the second pic does look like a young male bantam, and has sickle tail feathers (hens do not have) and hackle on neck & saddle. No hens would have a different neck coloration or pointed saddle hackle.
That's what a can see on the photo.
If you can get a closer pic of him sideways it would be better, but I agree with pips&peeps and Ochochicas....
If you hold the bird to your chest, like a baby, and dig your fingers gently into its saddle feather, see if they are pointy thin, usually have a lustre to them..maybe easier for you to tell that way.
Looking at the comb & wattles look pinkish, so it is a young bird either way, and the comb & wattles are small...so maybe an immature cockerel, or a really leggy leghorn bantam pullet...look for the hackle to make sure...but I'm still saying it is male now.
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I am interested in getting some AustraLorp hens. Are they pretty easy to find in Eastern Washington? I don't remember seen any in the feed stores last year but I really didn't know any chicken breeds at that time.
I did order some started pullets, including one Australorp but now I'm thinking I maybe should have ordered two if they are not easily found around here. Also, does anybody know of any cold hearty chickens lay white eggs that I might be able to find around here? Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
I did order some started pullets, including one Australorp but now I'm thinking I maybe should have ordered two if they are not easily found around here. Also, does anybody know of any cold hearty chickens lay white eggs that I might be able to find around here? Thanks for any suggestions you may have.

If you're reasonably close to Okanogan Co., take a look at the web page for Just Fowling Around. They're a good source and may also be able to put you in contact with others.

@flyingmonkeypoop may also be a good source of info. but I haven't seen him around for a while. Try sending him a private msg.
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