Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

@Leigti I am no expert on this but I'm pretty sure I've read that it could be from a B vitamin deficiency. The natural way would be to feed it some finely chopped high quality liver or some raw grass fed beef (this is what I did), orthere may be a vitamin drench at your local store. Someone else will hopefully chime in with their opinion, but in the mean time I would do the above right away, it certainly will do no harm.

OK, I can try that. She is only about a week old, but I guess it's no different than eating a little tiny worms. I will try it.
I need to find a home for my beloved Splash Andalusian named "Duck". Of course this has to be MY favorite chicken!

Duck is 24 weeks old. Began laying at 21 weeks old. Lays a white egg 4-5 days per week. (I have 3 Andalusians and I'm getting 1-3 white eggs every day, so her laying amount is a guess.) She has been vaccinated against Marek's. She is super friendly and will fly up on my arm when I call her.

When you read about Andalusians it says that they don't bare confinement well. This is completely true about Duck and this is why I am finding her a new home. She has to be FREE RANGE. She comes in the coop at night just fine but when the sun comes up she wants out and will pace back and forth and complain until that happens. If you put her in a pen, she will fly out...she can fly 8 feet up!! We run a camp and when we have guests on the property we have to keep the chickens in (their coop is 8x17), the other 10 chickens do fine but Duck is MISERABLE! I know it won't get easier for her so I want to find her a nice home now. She is also an excellent forager and so not a big consumer of feed either!

I'm happy to let her go "free to a good free ranging home". Please let me know you are going to keep her for her eggs and not eat her! (Yet.) I totally understand that's what will happen when she is older and not laying, we would've done that too, but right now she is a happy, healthy, well producing chicken. She is also an excellent flock guardian and VERY aware of predators. So if you don't have a roo in your flock she would be a good substitute! She isn't aggressive to her flock mates but she holds a high position in the pecking order.

Man this makes me sad! I love this chicken! But just like the saying goes, sometimes when you love something you have to let it go. She needs a better life free ranging all the time.

With our dog

This is Duck about two weeks ago eating yogurt.
Duck looks like a great chicken :) I would gladly take her, and definitely won't eat her ever, but I'm a little concerned about integrating one chicken into a flock. My chickens free range in my yard during the day and go in a group at night. I am building a brand-new coop and plan to integrate all my chickens together at once into that coop and run. So if you can't find her a home I would gladly take her. I'm sorry that you have to give up your favorite chicken.
Thanks Leigti, yes, it really stinks. She has the most awesome personality. I have personally only ever integrated 1 chicken at a time. I've never done several! LOL I usually put the new one in a cage in the coop for a week for everyone to see each other but not touch. Then I let them free range together so the new one can run away if needed. Integrating has never taken me more than a week but I've only done it twice.

When you say "yard" how big are we talking? Can't be a neighborhood because Duck will go around visiting everybody! Seriously, when I say free range, I mean this chicken wants 5 acres to roam! LOL I can't believe how well she can fly!
I need to find a home for my beloved Splash Andalusian named "Duck". Of course this has to be MY favorite chicken!

Duck is 24 weeks old. Began laying at 21 weeks old. Lays a white egg 4-5 days per week. (I have 3 Andalusians and I'm getting 1-3 white eggs every day, so her laying amount is a guess.) She has been vaccinated against Marek's. She is super friendly and will fly up on my arm when I call her.

When you read about Andalusians it says that they don't bare confinement well. This is completely true about Duck and this is why I am finding her a new home. She has to be FREE RANGE. She comes in the coop at night just fine but when the sun comes up she wants out and will pace back and forth and complain until that happens. If you put her in a pen, she will fly out...she can fly 8 feet up!! We run a camp and when we have guests on the property we have to keep the chickens in (their coop is 8x17), the other 10 chickens do fine but Duck is MISERABLE! I know it won't get easier for her so I want to find her a nice home now. She is also an excellent forager and so not a big consumer of feed either!

I'm happy to let her go "free to a good free ranging home". Please let me know you are going to keep her for her eggs and not eat her! (Yet.) I totally understand that's what will happen when she is older and not laying, we would've done that too, but right now she is a happy, healthy, well producing chicken. She is also an excellent flock guardian and VERY aware of predators. So if you don't have a roo in your flock she would be a good substitute! She isn't aggressive to her flock mates but she holds a high position in the pecking order.

Man this makes me sad! I love this chicken! But just like the saying goes, sometimes when you love something you have to let it go. She needs a better life free ranging all the time.

With our dog

This is Duck about two weeks ago eating yogurt.
Why can't you clip her wings ? And then when you are able to sit outside (or work in your yard, or have your kids outside to watch the birds) then you can let them ALL out (that is what I do)
And if one gets persnickity and wants OUT when she wants out, then she gets put back, after 3 strikes, she gets her wings trimmed.

I have one silver/biel who looks alot like a Biel and flys over the fence into the Biel pen, and walks right in & lays her egg in the Biel coop...as if it is her home. The Biel hens are very protective of their home & run off any strange chicken, but this one looks like a Biel...so I guess the others let her in.

This can be a real issue if I am selling hatching eggs. as you can imagine!
I also have bird net over about 80% of the pens, so she could get stuck up there!
So she has learned to behave herself.
Maybe you could do the same with Duck!
Thanks Leigti, yes, it really stinks.  She has the most awesome personality.  I have personally only ever integrated 1 chicken at a time.  I've never done several!  LOL  I usually put the new one in a cage in the coop for a week for everyone to see each other but not touch.  Then I let them free range together so the new one can run away if needed.  Integrating has never taken me more than a week but I've only done it twice.

When you say "yard" how big are we talking?  Can't be a neighborhood because Duck will go around visiting everybody!  Seriously, when I say free range, I mean this chicken wants 5 acres to roam!  LOL  I can't believe how well she can fly!

Well, it probably won't work then. I live in a neighborhood, my yard is large but definitely not 5 acres. Maybe somebody with more land could give her a good home.
We thought about clipping her wings...but have you ever heard an unhappy Andalusian? Yeah, you don't want to! It's almost like a goose sound! I think if we did that to her she'd be extra miserable. She doesn't make a peep when she's out ranging...then she's happy as a clam!

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