Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

got my Barred Plymouth Rocks giggle.. thought I might add a few sex links till I read they lay brown eggs how would I find
correct me if I have it wrong I think they are Olive egger birds? I will be doing a bit more research on them myself.
Is there anyone here in western washington that has the olive eggers?
I really was confused when you kept saying my "bards"
I was thinking it was some new word all you youngin's are using to describe chickens...kind of like the Aussies call theirs "Chooks"

Everytime I turn around someone has invented a new word...I get very annoyed at some of them, like ____________tastic!
Like "Car-tastic!" or "Broom-tastic!"or "Skin- tastic!"

Am I the only one that hates that stupid sub-word attached to a noun ???

So I really thought it was another newly minted word, LOL

OK, an Olive egger bird is hybred of a Blue egg layer and a dark brown egg layer.
So you can breed any Ameraucana to a Marans, and get olive eggers.

It happens like this:
The blue egg layer has blue pigment through the entire egg, inside & out, and that happens in the bird, and the Marans forms a white egg which comes down through the vaginal canal & is basically "Painted" with dark brown pigment......so cracked open, the inside of its egg is light, almost white, and if you wash the egg, alot of the brown "paint" will come right off.
The hybred of these 2 breeds will form a blue egg, which will travel down through the vaginal canal & be painted dark brown, so the egg will be laid as a dark olive green.
I keep a few handfuls of Ameraucana around just so I can make myself some OEs every year
I have no chicks for sale.
The EE is the same cross, only the Ameraucana is mated to a LIGHT brown layer, like a RIR or a Plymouth Rock...and so it lays a minty greenish egg.

OK, I have to go back to work!
I got photos to upload but it will have to waite!

Hey Penny, aren't you the one with the geo-domes for your coops ?
Just wondering how they handled the high winds, or did you get any high winds up there ?

I have been told the design handles high winds really well...so was wondering?
Getting the first generation or two of Olive eggers is pretty straight forward as long as the parents are not mixed breeds. The chart below can help to demonstrate that. When it get crazy is if you breed 2 olive or easter eggers together. That's when you get all kinds of fun surprises.

@Penny1960, you can get some very nice Olive Eggers from Lyn Adams (Stoney Earth Farm on facebook) She's near Gig Harbor.

THAT is so cool, and so much easier than explaining it once a month!
Olive Eggers can be tricky to breed. The genes that control the amount of brown coating an egg gets are complicated. Usually, if a person has crossed a blue egg laying breed, with a dark brown laying breed, the resulting chicks might lay olive eggs, or they can be lighter shades of green.
Mine have all laid olive eggs, and if I breed the OE back to their father the Marans, their resulting offspring's egg can be double-dark to the point of just being a chocolate -regular-Marans-type-colored egg.

The fun & tricky part is breeding OE to OE, and never knowing if you will get an OE or an EE
I'm exhausted!
We have had two long power outages over the past three days and my incubator is full with long-coveted eggs.

Tuesday was a car-power pole accident that took out the power pole and our entire island's electricity. Fired up the generator for the eggs (did I hear grumbling from my DH?) and then started to worry that it was going to be a long outage and we didn't have enough fuel to last. Guess we got caught a little flat footed on that one. So I bundled the incubator up and after the road was opened I got the eggs to a friend's house off-island that had power. They stayed there overnight. Picked them up yesterday morning (our power came back on in the night) and brought them home. We put away the generator and thought we would go get more fuel the next time we went into town in a few days..........after all, who has heard of two long power outages within two days of each other in mid-March??......dumb, dumb, dumb.

All was well until about 2am when the wind really started........of course I laid there in bed wide awake just praying we kept the power. I started to feel a bit smug right around 430 and, of course, out it went.....so had to hop out of bed and wrap them up with the down jacket and hot water bottle I had set aside for them. By early morning we heard the power might be off for up to 24 hours and that the nearest gas station pumps weren't working so went over to my nearest neighbor's-with-a-super-duper-generator and had to dodge tree limbs and an overflowing pond to get up his long drive. Tucked my incubator into his place and just got it home a few hours ago.

These are the most traveling eggs I have ever attempted to hatch. Fingers crossed they make it.....we are on day 16 tomorrow.

You are working so hard ! Fingers crossed for you!
thank you guess I was told wrong, what do you think of the sex-link birds what color eggs do they lay
There is a few sexx link birds with "wild type" ((Chipmunk Chicks)) that lay blue eggs, I am pretty sure the cream legbar & crested cream legbar lays a nice blue egg & is a sex link...am I right ?
Seems like there is a few others, too....can't think of any right off the top of my noggin....
Quote: @penny1960 ............I use to be a journalist giggle but even spell check didnt say it was wrong my error mae culpa

And my response:::
My Einstein writes eveything in tiny wierd block lettering and everything is spelt phonically.....yes he says Fonikally............................

Some of the words he comes up with are hysterical !

Halfway Ranch Mossyrock
There is a few sexx link birds with "wild type" ((Chipmunk Chicks)) that lay blue eggs, I am pretty sure the cream legbar & crested cream legbar lays a nice blue egg & is a sex link...am I right ?
Seems like there is a few others, too....can't think of any right off the top of my noggin....
Legbars are autosexing, not sexlinked. Two different things.

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