Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

They do not test for Marek's as part of the NPIP program. Birds can be exposed without contracting the virus if they have an immunity so the only sure way to confirm Marek's is through necropsy. Vaccinated birds would test positive if they tested for it.

This would only be true if the bird actually had mareks. The current vaccine is not actually the chicken mareks virus, but the turkey mareks virus and is close enough that it gives the bird immunity. The only way to test for mareks is through necropsy.
Resigning coop/run - question - Is it wise to have an open run area where rotten can access?

For a month now we allows our 4 chicks (3 months old) to have full access to our back yard.  At night they returns to their coop and we close the door.  The hawk seems to have left them alone now that they are larger.  

Want to just section 1/4 of the yard (30 by 40 feet section) off with chain link fencing and call it good.  My concern is actually mice/rat, we actually spotted mice/rat in our yard (mostly due to left out scraps I think). 

I'm not sure I know exactly what you are asking. I laughed when you said you were going to section off part of your yard for the chickens, I'm going to section off a part of it for me and turn the rest of it over to all my animals :) once my chickens are used to their new coop they will free range in my backyard during the day and be locked in the coop at night. There are plenty of hiding places, large bushes etc. for them to hide in while in the yard if need be and a 6 foot fence around it. So I think your chickens will be fine as long as they have lots of hiding places.
I'm putting in a little nudge here, I think they call this a bump. Will somebody please go over to my "getting used to the new coop" read and answer some of the questions? It's going pretty well but I still would like some answers to a couple things. Thanks.
Hey all! New duck hopeful here, anyone know someone local where i could pick up some ancona or cayuga ducks? Im hoping to start a flock with 3 hens and a drake
I leave this to others that have ducks but
sit back and enjoy gald you joined us
when you see the dermatologist ask about oral prednisalone aka prednisone... Graves that I have gave me plack psoriasis even post optical Graves still wants to erupt the psoriasis and warts taking oral pred just 5 ml most days keep it at bay

I have had to take prednisone before and I hate it. I hope to never have to take it again.
I have had to take prednisone before and I hate it. I hope to never have to take it again.

Prednisones can have terrible effects on people. I can tolerate low doses for a short amount of time. When my I started hurting a lot my doctor put me on prednisone and I swear I was almost psychotic. Grumpy to the 10th°. And the doctor said I would have to take double the dose I was on at that time to control the inflammation etc. in the eye. That is what made me decide it was time to have that I removed. I had been avoiding it for a long time but that prednisones was going to make me do something terrible. It doesn't affect everybody like that but I feel for people who have to be on it a lot.
Is the leg constantly swollen? Have you been diagnosed with lymphedema in that leg? If so the wounds and dermatitis etc. will never heal until the lymphedema is gone. I work in physical therapy and in our department both the PT and the OT's treat lymphedema with wraps, tape, garments, and massage. It's a very effective treatment. Unfortunately a lot of people don't know about it, including doctors. It is used a lot with cancer patients. Just a suggestion.

The leg is not swollen, just the ankle and the foot. I tore the peroneal tendon 9 months ago and walked on it for 6 months thinking I tore the ligament but it was the tendon so it did not heal. I also have plantars faciitis so I was taking alot of ibuprofen and acetaminophen when I injured it so I did not realize it was serious.

After a week it was still swelling over the top of my shoe and the pain was making me throw up so I went to my doctor. She prescribed a diuretic for swelling and did not even note my ankle injury.

I went to urgent care 4 months later and when the doctor did an xray she said it was not broken and that due to the swelling I might need surgery. I saw a specialist in December who wanted me to do physical therapy. The physical therapist told me I should not be doing physical therapy and needed an MRI. I finally got an MRI in February and was told I need surgery.

Surgery was scheduled for March 15th so I saw my doctor on the 8th and had her look at the rash. She told me to use hydrocortizone. I went in for surgery but it was cancelled due to the rash. It seemed to be healing so I was scheduled for the 26th but I was sent home a second time.

I stopped taking ibuprofen before my first surgery date and started Tramadol instead. It is a pain killer but not an anti-inflamatory so I can't put weight on the ankle anymore. I have to keep my ankle elevated to keep the swelling down. I had been using compression for swelling and to stabilize the ankle while I was walking on it and I think that may have caused damage to the veins.

I have done alot of research online because I don't have alot of confidence in doctors. I will look up lymphedema to see if that might explain my symptoms.

I have tried hydrocortizone cream, hydrogen peroxide, antibacterial soap, antibiotic ointment, fungal cream, oral antibiotic, A & D ointment, and now aloe gel. The ointments make the rash worse for some reason. I have been able to get the bumpy thickened oozing patches where the ankle brace supports were applying pressure against the ankle swelling to resolve so I am left with sores from scratching the itchy texturized skin (which became dry and scaly before healing). Sores on other parts of my body have healed just fine but not on my lower leg.

I have never had a problem healing before so this 9+ months of non-healing from an injury is depressing. I was leading a horse with a rider on a trail and I stepped off the trail into a ditch because I was watching the riders and horses on the trail ride instead of watching where I was stepping in my riding boots. It was a work-related injury but I signed a waiver of liability for the job so I can't get workmen's compensation to help with my medical bills.

I tore the ligaments years ago during an emergency dismount so the healed ligaments are scarred. I guess that is why the tendon tore this time. When I tore the ligaments I was told it takes longer to heal than a break and I think it took 6 months to heal. With the torn tendon it has been 9 months already and I have not even started healing yet. I would have been on my feet already if surgery had happened in March but now I don't even know when I will be on my feet again.
This would only be true if the bird actually had mareks.  The current vaccine is not actually the chicken mareks virus, but the turkey mareks virus and is close enough that it gives the bird immunity.  The only way to test for mareks is through necropsy.

The Marek's virus would show up in a blood test for Marek's regardless of whether the bird was symptomatic or not because the Marek's is introduced in the bird's system to get it to produce antibodies. With natural immunity the Marek's virus is not able to enter the bird because the bird is resistant to the disease. At least that is my understanding so there is a chance I am wrong since it has been awhile since I made the choice to breed for immunity instead of introducing the disease through vaccination.

A vaccinated bird that gets exposed to Marek's will have the herpes virus but it will seem healthy because it will not develop symptoms. It will spread the disease to other birds through feather dander. A healthy bird will not show symptoms of Marek's because the disease would show up if it had the disease. It will not spread the disease because it would be quarantined and die due to its symptoms if it had the Marek's virus.
The Marek's virus would show up in a blood test for Marek's regardless of whether the bird was symptomatic or not because the Marek's is introduced in the bird's system to get it to produce antibodies. With natural immunity the Marek's virus is not able to enter the bird because the bird is resistant to the disease. At least that is my understanding so there is a chance I am wrong since it has been awhile since I made the choice to breed for immunity instead of introducing the disease through vaccination.

A vaccinated bird that gets exposed to Marek's will have the herpes virus but it will seem healthy because it will not develop symptoms. It will spread the disease to other birds through feather dander. A healthy bird will not show symptoms of Marek's because the disease would show up if it had the disease. It will not spread the disease because it would be quarantined and die due to its symptoms if it had the Marek's virus.

Excellent post. The Marek's vaccine does NOT prevent them from contracting it, only from showing symptoms (this is true of most poultry vaccines, they don't work like human or dog vaccines). It is also totally ineffective to vaccinate them any time after 24 hours of hatching.

Vaccinating birds for a backyard, hobby, or self sustaining flock makes zero sense once facts are understood.

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