Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Well, my 9 week old chicks have "graduated"! They are now out in the big girls world. After 3 weeks of being in the brooder in the coop, I decided it was time for them all to meet. All has gone relatively well. Fascinating watchingbpecking order being established. Thank heavens it's been pretty mild!

Took my 4 boys to the auction today. I'm going to miss them, but living in city limits I just can't chance it! I'm really pushing my limits with my affliction of chicken math in the pullet department!!!

My youngest babies are now almost 2 weeks old! Eggs in the incubator have 2 weeks left. After this last hatch, I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, truly... well, until I find that little farm somewhere... LOL!
Well, my 9 week old chicks have "graduated"! They are now out in the big girls world. After 3 weeks of being in the brooder in the coop, I decided it was time for them all to meet. All has gone relatively well. Fascinating watchingbpecking order being established. Thank heavens it's been pretty mild!

Took my 4 boys to the auction today. I'm going to miss them, but living in city limits I just can't chance it! I'm really pushing my limits with my affliction of chicken math in the pullet department!!!

My youngest babies are now almost 2 weeks old! Eggs in the incubator have 2 weeks left. After this last hatch, I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, truly... well, until I find that little farm somewhere... LOL!
glad to here that lets hope for not all cockerels.. wait a sec who has eggs in a incubator?
these are not mine are they?
glad to here that lets hope for not all cockerels.. wait a sec who has eggs in a incubator?
these are not mine are they?

No. They are bantam eggs that I'm hatching for Linda. She owns the barn that I recently moved my horse to. She lost her rooster and is looking to replace him. Unfortunately, 7 of the 11 eggs were clear!!! So, for the first time EVER, I'm crossing my fingers that at least one of the remaining is cockerel!
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Warning: Vent

Blasted youngsters!!! Been in their brooder IN THE COOP for 3 weeks. Let them out today and can I get the BLOODY BIRDS to go IN THE COOP? No. I'm playing Ring Around The Rosy with four 9 week old BRATS! I've managed to catch four of them. The last four are about ready to SPEND THE NIGHT OUTSIDE!!!

Suggestions welcome...
Warning: Vent

Blasted youngsters!!! Been in their brooder IN THE COOP for 3 weeks. Let them out today and can I get the BLOODY BIRDS to go IN THE COOP? No. I'm playing Ring Around The Rosy with four 9 week old BRATS! I've managed to catch four of them. The last four are about ready to SPEND THE NIGHT OUTSIDE!!!

Suggestions welcome...
leave em out...

not sure but am very certain this a closet cockerel of my own making
my hatch lone chick the black big twice the wattles of the other 2 blacks
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I have 4 foot sections of white pvc I use as basically shepherds crooks to herd chickens. White is very visible to them. Move slow and don't rush them.
I have 4 foot sections of white pvc I use as basically shepherds crooks to herd chickens. White is very visible to them. Move slow and don't rush them.

They are ALL in now. 3 went in on their own, the last one was perched ON the chicken door.

It was AT the house at least. I have ameraucana that are 6 years old who try and sleep outside the coop on the feed cans under the awning. They know better and usually get up when they see me coming.

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