Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hi! I live near Olympia! A thing about living here with chickens, the run gets so muddy that my boyfriend put a roof on it so it would stay dry!

Finally got my cornish x chickens butchered at nine weeks they weren't big enough at 7 weeks then I got busy doing something else at 8 weeks so now I have a freezer full of 10 pound roosters and 81/2 to 9 pound hens they look real nice haven't tried one yet they are kind of like small turkeys. I let them age for 21/2 days in the fridge then shrink sealed them in the bags you dip in hot water worked pretty well good thing I bought big bags.
I always butcher my cockerels about 2 weeks before the hens, let the hens grow a bit more since the males grow so dang fast !
Your weights sound perfect !
You did a very good job !

OK, those pictures...................before Nifty says we have to stop posting !

Exchequer babies before they went off to live with

Don't you just love the gangly- akward mangy stage ?
Most of these are Sulmtalers, except the blue & black, which are Ams & EEs.oh and some Barnies...
The hoop house...topped off with fresh compost & planted 4 tomatoes in there DEEP...and then covered it with the green house 10 mil plastic I use year after year...I put the camera in one of the upper vent holes to take the photos, and it was so steamy warm ! Fogged up the camera !

Vents are in upper part of both ends.....

Steamy Warm !

And a pic of the Russian (Siberian ? ) Kale I told you about.....
I know some of you wanted to know more about the puppies. Three (females) of the 12 are taken (#6, #7, and #12) so there are 7 boys (#2, #3, #5, #8, #9, #10, and #11) and 2 girls (#1, and #4) available at this time.

Puppy #1

Puppy #2

Puppy #3

Puppy #4

Puppy #5

Puppy #8

Puppy #9

Puppy #10

Puppy #11
those weights are outstanding!  where did you get your chicks from?  I know what you mean about them being sweet birds, it does not make it easier to dispatch them.  we raised our egg layer pets the year before and gradually introduced the idea to the kids before we go them, and didn't name them but we did handle them with the idea that they should have the best life possible while they were with us.

I bought the chicks from Dunlap hatchery in Idaho. I also ordered some Red Rangers from them at the same time I don't care for them have had some trouble with them deformities poor feed conversion and they are annoying won't mess with them again. I'm in the process of butchering Pekin Ducks now what a pain in the rear they have been but they turned out good they are running 61/2 pounds butchered weight at nine weeks.

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