Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Lucky you. I used to think hearing my roosters crow in the morning was cool. Now, 5AM or 5:30AM every morning, crowing about 30 feet from my bedroom window wakes me up when I want to keep sleeping. Ughh!

Oh well. I wanted roosters. Need to be more careful what I wish for in the future.
I've recently began to use earplugs. Now he doesn't wake me up, especially when I like to have my window open at night for the cool air.
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Lots of goings on here....been keeping me away from the computer a lot! This little guy/gal hatched today! Sadly, I think the only other "surviving" egg from the 6 I gave Momma stopped about halfway. So, does anyone near Spokane have any chicks that hatched today or like tomorrow or Saturday coming up? I don't care what they are (this is a barnyard mix from a tiny Silkie egg, so maybe a Silkie EE).. But, I don't want him/her to be alone! All cockerels are going back to the friend I got the eggs from, but he just set eggs in the incubator and won't have babies for another 2 1/2 weeks! The farm stores are all done with chicks for the year and there is no way my hubby will let me order MORE chicks just to give this singleton a buddy!
I rescued one chick from someone who rescued it and had no idea of how to care for it. I put a mirror in the brooder, and later a larger one in her run. She slept near it all the time until she recently got old enough to be with the rest of the flock.
I let my pullets range around the yard for a couple of hours tonight, kicked back in my camping recliner. It was 100 degrees outside, but didn't feel bad in the shade with the breeze.

One started acting strange. She's less developed than the others, and I think her first egg is on the way out and she doesn't know what's going on.
My puppy refused to go outside. Had to take him out, shut the door, then put him down and tell him to potty. Then he'd run back to the door and whine to get in.

His older brother doesn't care. Took off for a run even. The elderly GSD walked around a bit before going back in to her cold bed in front of the fan.

Of course as soon as it cooled off, guess who wanted to go play.
IT is so nice and cool at 4am!!!!
I got the dogs fed, the canning stuff set up coffee made and headed out to open up the coop and get the soaker hoses going THEN!
I am snaping Gbeans and cutting carrots this morning with my coffee and then canning them.
Have a great COOL morning!

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