Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

We have a small space heater that lives in the well house. Not enough insulation for a light bulb to work. Do have a 100 watt reptile bulb in my food storage shed and that works good there because I insulated it.

We hit 10° last night. Up to 20° now
good to know! the new led bulbs dont put out heat like the old bulbs
good to know! the new led bulbs dont put out heat like the old bulbs
I have two 100 w old bulbs left and a couple 40 watt I'd used for broodies when it was 20° to keep the water from freezing. Reptile bulbs just put out the heat and are a specialty bulb so can still buy.

Gave Mom all my 60 watt since she had the old dimmer switches that didn't work with LEDs. She had to change them out last year because they were fried in the power surges since they were on. The power company had to pay less to Mom than anyone I think because she had just about everything on surge protectors. Microwave and motherboard in the AC were her big casulties.

And the about 2 dozen fried surge protectors. I had to order the new ones for her to get decently rated ones and they were still cheaper than the junk ones Home Depot or Walmart sell.

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