Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Very true, guess that makes more sense. And actually, after all this research, whining, and complaining I'm doing about those 2 birds who stopped laying....Willow laid an egg today!
I think she knew I was gonna sell her if she didn't lay all winter.
But I also started supplementing vit. D today, and will continue to see if it helps them all out at all. Silly girls. Maybe I just need to start threatening them a lot more so that they lay better!
Quote: Actually they played pretty well. Our offence needs to catch the ball but the defence played well and kept them from running up the score. So far this season SF has come back really big the game after a loss and we kept them in check, and had oportunities to win. So there!
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My friend's dog went home last night, and now my own dog is laying the guilt on thick for being left alone. Nothing is as sad as a lonely old dog, who keeps getting up and tottering around to try to find her friend. *sigh*

I'm sorry dog, but we just can't go out and adopt another dog right now.
I feel so guilty about it. The irony is, my friend's dog had so much fun over here that she wanted to come back with us, whined for a while after we left her house, and isn't eating all her food today. But she needs to stay with her owner. Dang it, my dog keeps looking up and me and giving me the sad Disney eyes.

Now she's outside looking out the gate for her buddy. I feel like such a heel.

Hi All,
I'd like to hear from as many of the seasoned chicken farmers here as I can. This is a topic that's been on my mind for quite a while and I just seem to be forever kicking it around in my head. So here goes....

I have just 3 hens. I got them because I wanted eggs and never thought about them becoming pets, and I've tried to remain as objective as possible knowing that at some time they will 'move on', one way or another. The way is my topic of discussion.

As the girls age their egg production will drop to the point that it's unreasonable for me to keep them. My EE has never been a heavy layer and by next summer will probably being giving us only 2-3 eggs per week. I know everyone has to deal with this issue eventually. So I'd like to know... at what point do you say good bye to a hen, and when you do what do you do? Sell, butcher, give away, send to a chicken retirement community? I went to the Enumclaw chicken auction yesterday and it sort of surprised me that I felt bad watching the birds getting sold, thinking how rough they were being treated, what their new home would be like, etc.

So, those of you with a few years experience, please add your voice to this. I'd really like to know what you feel is a practical solution.

Thanks very much
OK so I will throw myself under the bus in the name of trying to help others. I keep my layers until they are costing more to keep than the eggs they produce. This will vary from breed to breed and individual birds. Once that time comes (this is where the bus will back over me) I normaly take them to the sale. While many others opt to process and eat the birds. I look at it that I can take one bird (meal) to auction and convert it into $$ that will buy 2-4 meals plus I don't have to mess with processing. For me it is about making my money go farther and when it comes to eating dollar bills I can't taste the difference. This is just my opinion and what works for me others WILL disagree I am sure!
I haven't gotten to that point yet since I am pretty new to owning chickens, but I would probably do the same. Just couldn't eat my chickens. They are like pets to me......it wold be like eating my cats........yikes. :/
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Sounds perfectly sensible to me! I'm sure some who consider their birds as pets with perks wouldn't do the same, but you are using the eggs for sale, correct? If a bird wasn't pulling her weight here I would do the same

Yes while we have favorites and then my SQ birds. Most are more like egg producers that we enjoy having and caring for. Many also have names.

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