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SR=unsexed, packed as hatched.

I wanted a little of everything, eye candy, egg color, and production. I also took into account cold-hardiness because now that I live in Ice Hell I have to do that. I used Henderson's breed chart and got a few books at the library, and did some free reading at Barnes and Noble to narrow down my choices based on all of my desires.
What I am looking for are birds that are not in your face all the time, decent egg layers, "color doesnt matter" larger birds that can some what hold there own for protection, not to fragile due to winds and cold weather.

I would like to get at least two hens that will go broody. I am planning on keeping at least 1 roo and 2 hens seperate from the main flock, for breeding. I'm just not sure what breed or type that I want. I know I dont want to breed mixes.

I was thinking of getting a mixed bunch from Ideal, and purchasing the roo and breeding hens locally.

Would it be bad to keep the breeding pairs in a large run with my muscovy ducks? They would share the run, but have seperate coops. Does anyone think this would cause a problem?
Good ? I don't know I didn't ask. I got 3 bantam frizzle cochins
. . . like I need more

For that price I'd bet that they were SR. I've got 10 chickens in the city. I need another chick like I need a hole pecked in my head.
Our mixed breed dog chewed out of her kennel today. Thankfully I didn't let my birds free range... but one of my Blue Cochins, & Regina the Brahma (and I assume Violet the RIR chick that Regina was foster-mothering) somehow got out.....
I found Regina. That was my first sight of my dog, actually. She trotted across my driveway with a limp wad of something (I quickly found out it was Regina who had just died) but as soon as I hollered at her, she dropped her and hid. Later, I found a good amount of cochin feathers, on the other side of the yard. I still have no clue where Violet is. I assume the cochin and Violet are in Annie.

I still have all of my roosters though.

All I ever ask is this: If Annie must occasionally procure a chicken (which we've taken great steps to avoid!), can't it be an extra rooster instead of laying hens?!?!?!?!

ETA: or heck, even one of my guineas who appear to both be males!
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If anyone is interested and close enough to make it worth while. I have 2 young RIR roos. I bought 6 as pullets and surprise I only have 4 pullets. I bought these March 5 as DO. I would just like to rehome them. You can keep em or eat em I don't care. All I ask is be humane about thier fate. I would butcher them but from what I have read here it is not really worth it. You can have them free or if ya want ya could trade me some cool bird(s) or make a small donation to help with what I have invested.
Thanks Rob
Does anyone had any Wheaten Marans pullets? Maybe even trade a pullet for 2 cockerels from the BD line? I hatched out 3 of them on Feb 13, all males. 4 months old next Friday.

Since we are going to be finishing our secured pasture soon, I feel safe setting up plans. Besides, I need to downsize my flock and refocus some of my efforts.

I'm also wondering about another Blue (or maybe Partrige) Cochin, a dark Brahma or silkie, and a Speckled Sussex.

ETA: by "downsizing" I of course mean that I've recently sold 3 roos, lost 3 hens. Also, I plan on trading 2 cocks for 1 hen soon... So I feel that losing 8 birds justifies adding 4 more females. Of course. Chicken Math.
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It is beautiful out here on the coast but still need a sweatshirt...gotta love the wind. It took a long time to warm up (like at 2) but now it is nice enough to have a BBQ and eat outside! If my DH comes home in time,he has the camera, I'll take a picture of the ocean and post for all you inland people! LOL
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