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Rainplace. That is a STEAL!
Even if you paid a $100.00 for delivery at $200.00 that still be a steal. There is that much materials in that easy let alone the labor costs involved.

Wish I wasn't so far away. Building my second coop now and I know in another year another one be needed.
I know it's a steal... I don't know who to get to deliver though... round trip ferry ride is 26$ It's probably gone already anyway. Yesterday there was a coop for $50, I emailed about 10 minutes after it popped up... it was already gone.
Yes I am, though I was hoping to do chickens since... well my ducks are pets! But yes, ducks would be good too. I want to learn how to since I'm a scaredy cat
How many are you getting? I think those breeds will be ok. I need to warn you about the "Araucana". If it has tail feathers it is not an Araucana. It could be an Ameraucana, or more likely an Easter egger. But great birds either way. I just don't like when people try to sell them under the name of a purebred. If they say they are vaccinated, that is good, most feed stores you buy chicks at don't get them vaccinated, so you are a step ahead of most. I am hoping you have read up on quarantining birds, and integrating them together. I think it helps if you can quarantine them in seperate areas that aren't in the coop they will be ultimately housed in. I have heard if you put them all into a new environment together they don't fight quite as much. Pecking order will have to be established, but one group won't feel territorial. I brought 2 pullets home from the same breeder but different flocks and I put them in the quarantine together(because they came from the same source) and they didn't fight much because they were so stressed from the new environment an such. They get along great, and stuck together when I introduced them to my 3 other girls. Everyone gets along fine now, but it wasn't easy. I hope my experience helps a little.

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Hey roo relayers! LOL Well, it looks like I'm going to pass on this deal afterall.
The guy just sold another one to someone in ID for $100 and thinks his rooster is still worth $75...and I can buy one directly from Paul Bradshaw for less than 1/2 that.
So I'm going to PayPal him for a pair!
Just don't tell hubby! LOL
KMHunter writes:
"How many are you getting?"

Well, that depends on the coop we end up with, the number in the flock we buy, etc. The initial ad I answered (but have yet to receive a reply...probably not a good sign) had 3 hens - 2 RI Reds and 1 Araucana (per them, but haven't seen the bird yet.) We'll definitely be starting out small, though.

"I need to warn you about the "Araucana". If it has tail feathers it is not an Araucana. It could be an Ameraucana, or more likely an Easter egger. But great birds either way. I just don't like when people try to sell them under the name of a purebred."

I read about that tendancy to "confuse" the various breeds along those lines.

"I am hoping you have read up on quarantining birds, and integrating them together."

I actually haven't read that far yet, but figured something like that was the case. We have female German Shepherd dogs, and that is certainly the case with them, so I kind of figured something along those lines would apply to chickens (or any species that exists in a fixed social network of sorts...i.e. pack, flock, etc.) Initially, we will start with the grouping of the existing flock we purchase (whatever that turns out to be), then I will definitely read up on integration and quarantining before we add any "outsiders." Thank you VERY much for the insights!

"I hope my experience helps a little."

Absolutely! Good "need to know" info to have.

I also wanted to let you know that you may start out small but get a coop that is bigger than you need so you can expand. Because you will want to get more. Have fun, and enjoy the addiction!
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