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Make sure your coop can fit more chicks, I bet in Know time your going to have more..

Make sure your coop can fit more chicks, I bet in Know time your going to have more..

Yeah, especially with everyone here teaching chicken math!
Hello Zgoatlady!

My BCM started laying about 2 weeks ago, 4 or 5 eggs per week. Most of the eggs are dark with darker freckles on them, very pretty from the outsides, but the insides are full of blood spots, a half dozen or more! She laid one egg last week that was evenly dark with no speckles on the shell. That egg had no blood spots in it either. What makes the egg speckled? Anything I can do to reduce the number of blood spots? My son is not squeemish about them, he just scrambles them up with a little sausage. My neighbor feeds them to her dogs.
Im not sure why you have the blood spots, I'll try to find out information and let you know.. The spot are from her spray can
but no really they have a sprayer or so they say that puts the darker color on the egg and the spots.
Last year I gave my in-laws some nice dark eggs and what did they do. They called and said hay we washed the eggs and gave them a good scrub and they arent dark anymore...
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I'm still alive if anyone's wondering.

Been REALLY busy lately with the greenhouse, garden, breeding poultry, and getting rid of almost all of our four-legged livestock.

And, as exciting news, I've got peppers fruiting, squash and tomatoes flowering, and melons almost about to flower!
Here's wishing you all a Happy Easter. However you may celebrate / observe the day.
For me this is kind of a hard weekend. My dad died the day before Easter 26 years ago and my mom died the day after Easter 21 years ago. We (DW & I) normally go to her family's. But have not heard from any of them so I am going to try to figure out something to make a nice dinner for DW & me and we will just have a quiet day at home. Who knows I may even get the new coop done.
Im not sure why you have the blood spots, I'll try to find out information and let you know.. The spot are from her spray can
but no really they have a sprayer or so they say that puts the darker color on the egg and the spots.
Last year I gave my in-laws some nice dark eggs and what did they do. They called and said hay we washed the eggs and gave them a good scrub and they arent dark anymore...

Funny! One of the hens stepped on one of her eggs when it was freshly laid and the paint was still wet - left a hen footprint!

I think somehow the freckles on the shell are related to the spots inside ... I know it does not make any sense since the blood comes when she ovulates and it is painted later, but it does seem that the more freckles the egg has, the more spots are on the yolk. Maybe something is stressing her and causes the bleeding and maybe also affects all those little spray nozzles, gunking some of them up. She seems quite calm and mellow. She was afraid of people her first few weeks here, but now she's learned that we often come beariing treats, so she runstoward me now with the rest of the chickens. Today she hung out with me for most of the day, even when the others wandered into the orchard. I think she saw I was eating treats from my pocket, and she was hoping for some, but I was eating chocolate easter eggs, so I was not sharing
I'm with you there CR - My dad died the day after easter back in 99, and it still hurts like it was yesterday. Easter was his favorite holiday because he loved boiled eggs! I usually try and go down to Cali and put an easter egg on his marker for him. He had a heart attack, and we found colored egg-shells in his pocket and a little salt shaker. He was only 61, in great shape (not my shape!) and still athletic. My father went to my sisters for Easter that year, and her in=laws just happened to take a nice long video of him interacting with my niece who was hunting for eggs (18 months old). I'm thankful to have that.
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