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I'll trade ya a processed bird for a couple loaves of fresh bread!

I love fresh breads...
Love the photos...keep us updated. It is exciting to watch your new home...excuse me I meant....BARN coming in.

Thank you. Not sure how awesome I am as a mom. I know I'm crabby, tired, & poor because of kids. Does this make me a good mom? Oldest DS came home tonight. We had a long talk. He is actually acting a bit somber. Hopefully he can hold it together for 1 year. He needs to finish school and then he can do what he wants..military, school, work at McDonald's for the rest of his life - whatever/wherever his dreams lead him. Again, thank you.

Again, keep us updated, it is very exciting to watch. And I can only imagine what you are going to do with all this space. What are tripleling or 4x your space? (sorry could not spell quadroopeling).

I'm glad your DS came home and you guys had a good chat. Hang in there! Mommy stuff can be so difficult!

Thank you.
My hens are wierd - they chase after me when I am on the lawn tractor! No Fear!

This is why I love chickens. They are just so funny. So many personalities.
Well my cochin bantam (Hannah) has gone broody again. Her kids are only around 10 weeks old. I can't believe it. I think I will just keep rotating eggs out from under her every day. If she is still broody when my incubator babies hatch, I will stuff the under her. By then I will have the new "nursery" area done. I hope to work on it this weekend. I have a great idea to utilize the space under the poop shelf. It will be long and narow and will have panels that I can slide in and out to make the area bigger or smaller to make 1 area or multiple areas. DH and middle DS have been helping me to figure out how to do it. Looks good on paper....now if I can just figure out how to make it happen.
I will let you know how my attempt goes.
Ain't No Sunshine :

It's me, Cackleberry, I am still interested in the Hen. Do you have one available now? Have you tried running a course of your things in eBay in the poultry section?

I will have to look through my stuff and see if I have any hens left. I think I do but not sure. Refresh my memory did you get the small ($5) or the large ($20) rooster.​
Crunch time again... Everything is wet, I need to move a pile of stumps "by hand", need to prep a 12'x24' construction site, and dig a bunch of holes... The goal today is to get the support posts in the ground, a roof put up, and a center deviding wall installed... Exterior walls will come at a later time.

What am I building now?

A two stall loafing shed.
The new horse comes home tomorrow, as of now, there is no shelter for him, and no secluded pasture or paddock... All of this work was SUPPOSED to be started 2 weeks ago!!! But NO!!! My Step Father is KING procrastinator, and would rather wait until the VERY last minute to prepare shelter for his new horse...
Guess thats why his house has been "under construction" for the past 20 years...

Now the BIG question is... Can we get the loafing shed skeleton, and roof done, along with the indevidual paddocks done in ONE day???

I fear its going to be a LONG day.

Anyone wanna help? lol
Lowes has the same screwed up pricing on their hardware cloth - not only was it waaaay cheaper per sq ft to get the biggest roles, but the bigger rolls are a heavier gauge wire! I bought up all the big rolls they had in Issaquah in February!

I did that at Monroe Feed. Bought a BIG roll....trouble was the roll was so huge and heavy. I had a very hard time working with it.
Thanks BarnChick! So far I have myself, my step father, and possibly my sisters bf... Im hopeing that will be enough people to get everything done in one day.

But if we dont have the partial shelter done today, then the new horse will not be coming home tomorrow. So king procrastinator better get off his bum and get it over here and get to work. lol

I absolutely refuse to allow this horse to be put in with any of my three. I have a lead mare, and the new boy is a lead gelding, and can be quite agressive torwards other new horses. I will not put up with equine drama in my herd, so the new horse Red, will not be integrated until he has been here for at least a week or two. Even then, it all depends on my own observations on how he is settleing in. Should be interesting.

And thank goodness I live right next to a mill, and can get the lumber at cost. No more trips to home depot for lumber!
My girls made it through their first night of pouring down rain. Last night was only their 3rd night outside( they are 7 weeks old). I was worried they would be scared to death of the rain pounding on their roof but this morning they were all out eating and playing around. I really do worry about them too much. My husband keeps reminding me they are only chickens! I wonder what "only chickens" mean.....to me they are pets. I guess I am getting too attached to them already.
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