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Um...... I didn't

I like that answer!

I'll have Olivia draw a picture and make a card.

Alex? Their gift is he won't be in their class next year!

My kids rarely got a teacher I wanted to give a gift to. Most of the good ones were in elementary. It was all downhill after that. Teachers think they are special people with a noble profession but from my experience I didn't see that. Teaching kids is a big responsibility and can be a noble profession but only for a few. The rest, IMHO, it's just another job like everyone else has. The only ones they enjoy teaching and spend time on are the students that excell because thats the most rewarding for them. The ones who need a little bit more 'teaching' are a pain. The longer they teach the meaner they get. The way most treated my kids, it's the teachers who should be giving the gifts.
a splash and a blue chick, so far the only blue I have gotten. Orpington

a big splash chick, bet its a rooster

little Larry, serama chick and a silver colored serama next to him

Here he is in my hand

the big splash orp in my hand
ME! But no one ever seems to notice. Poor, lonely me. Computer got another virus thanks to DH. He gave a fake virus program permission to scan the computer. It had to go to the shop again for another week.

Chickie, I think your free chick looks like a Dominique. That's what they sent me last time I ordered. Of course it was a roo. If I ever order again I'm going to tell them I'll pass on the freebie. They can keep their roos.

I noticed !
ME! But no one ever seems to notice. Poor, lonely me. Computer got another virus thanks to DH. He gave a fake virus program permission to scan the computer. It had to go to the shop again for another week.

Chickie, I think your free chick looks like a Dominique. That's what they sent me last time I ordered. Of course it was a roo. If I ever order again I'm going to tell them I'll pass on the freebie. They can keep their roos.

I noticed !

Oh, thank you. You're so sweet!
My DW's brother is a teacher. I listen and watch him and think "and people like this are creating our future? Scarry" And then there was one of my instructors in college. He stood up there and read it straight out of the book. There were people that would come in find out what section to study for friday then go to sleep. And they passed the class. And then there was the "Professor of Welding". He told us "if you can get the book great but if not thats ok just take notes of what I write on the board." I had the book but never needed it. I took notes and that was it never looked at the book and never looked back at the notes. And did I pass well yes but I only got a 4.0
Okay, I had a chick zip - at least half way around. Then quit. I had been watching. The membrane looked rather bloody. So I decided to check it....no life. I pulled it from the incubator and opened it. the chick is fully formed but dead. I took a photo - let me know if it is okay to post - I am afraid it is too graphic - it is not of the chick but just of the inside of the shell.

But anyway, the interior membrane is really bloody. What happened?
I have read on here that sometimes they zip thru a blood vessel and can bleed to death. I would guess that if they poked a hole in a big one it could happen
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