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Weavegarden, I bet you are right. The crows were still making a racket late into the day. I hope they go away soon. I really enjoy having the ladies out for free time. I work from home, so they get a lot it. It seemed like they would be too small to take off with any of my birds, but if it were hungry enough...and this may be true, as I walked up to the tree and it was only 10 feet or so above my head and didn't move until I clapped my hands at it. <sigh>

Eagle >> Sorry to hear about your pup. My thoughts are with you and yours.
I have neighbor cats that "stalk" my chickens, but I think they are too big for cats now. I still shoo them out of the yard tho. Our cats just sit at the window and stare at them and are not interested. Little birds, tho get my cats to twitch and make weird clicking noises
Funny how things can be so different. I'm a feral magnet and have never had a problem. The big nasty tom right now would take my hand off if I gave it half a chance. But the hens run it off its food. And I've had them sleep in the coop during the day when the hens are out.

And the raccoons have never bothered my hens. I think they are fat lazy suburban raccoons. They've come out during the day and free ranged with my hens sharing the cherries from my trees. Now the hens didn't let them get within about 5 feet, but didn't panic either. Now they raccoons did swim down to the bottom of my pond and pull out all 5 large channel cats. I was grateful. Hope the come back when the little ones get huge. I'll attach a pix of one of the juveniles trying to become a house raccoon last summer. I think mom & dad kicked him to the curb. He lived on my deck next to the slider for several days before he moved on.

Here he is trying to move in:

Eagle No need to be embarassed about shedding some tears. It just shows that even us guys have feelings and care about our animal friends. I did my share this am when one of our little goats died.

I am not sure what you are telling me to come get. I would like some of the netting to put over the top of my run. But I am a long way away. Is there any chance that you could bring some to the party? If not that's OK.
Why is it that everytime I am online nobody wants to say anything.
I know about the loss thing and I am GRATEFULL that you are all here.
Lets all just try to let it turn to something else untill......
Tomorrow I will be in Ground Mound, I'M C'MON FOR U RUSTLER!!!

Now wait a minute. didn't you send me a notice about that netting Eagle. Do you have lots? I won't quarrel, just need to get this straight.
I have enough for two!
Easy all is good.


weaveagarden: I will bring yours to the party, unless you would like to make other arangments?
How are your chicks doing?
can I get a pic?
Would like to see some progress.
I think the party will be fine. If I decide that I need it sooner, I will figure out a way to get it here.

I meant to take a picture before, but forgot. I want you to help me with IDing breed/mix and gender too. Time to cull out the boys. They are great birds. But one is already doing the scream that preceeds the crow.

Thanks for the netting mike. No worries, just wanted to figure out what we are doing.

You are on your own now. I am tired and going to bed.
Wow I think weave should consider hiring me to bring my enclosed trailer for all the stuff she is getting at the party. Then on the way home I could make a little stop and skim a few things here and there she would never know.
I'll buy another bag for him in a week and a half or so.

Hey! Ihave meal worms for you! I will call you, maybe I could come buy Thursday or Friday afternoon to give them to you, give you back your pictures and get my key? And I would love to see your new leghorns.

Eagle, I am so sorry about your dog!
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