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Mike, I'm so sorry about your beloved dog.

utasol, I won't be incubating for another month. I'm pretty sure my bantam drakes don't go with my female runners, but I want to be sure. I will be separating everyone out this coming weekend. I know I'm a little late.

I want to say hi to all my fellow Washingtonians. And a special howdy to rainplace - who I met downtown for lunch yesterday. We had a great long chat, as if we were old friends catching up!

So my PNW friends, this thread is Whew! fast and, as I told rainplace, I usually don't manage to read all the posts from one time to the next. My apologies ahead of time, but I'm gonna try and pop in when I can, even though I may not be caught up on all the news.

I have chickens. They are 39 weeks old. The last "free-loader" started laying 2 days ago. Woo hoo! I thought she'd never. But, now I've got a problem because she's the only one laying in the dirt in the run. The rest use the nest boxes. Her eggs are filthy, by the time I find & dig them out of the dirt. I lifted her to the nest box that has golf balls. But she just jumps out. Any suggestions? Why is she doing this?
Just saw the post about your dog. I am deeply sorry. They have wonderful pain management tools available for dogs now and hopefully you can use these to get the most quality of life for your pooch. The only thing wrong with dogs is that they have such short lifespans compared to ours.
Hey you! It was wonderful to meet you yesterday, and I love love love the calendar! Thank you

Dunno 'bout the chicken stuff though... hopefully someone else will chime in.

Ugh, I know when the hawks are in our neighborhood, as the crows go bananas and are my early warning system (you can hear them inside the house they are so loud). Today I something much smaller and lighter swooping around the trees and only bugged the crows once. It swooped again up into the tree above my coop and run and I was finally able to see it. I think it is a kesterel.
So now I have a sneaky predator snooping around! I guess I will have to keep the birds in the run for a few days until it moves on. I am sure the crows will not tolerate that thing in their trees!

Really makes me wish I had a Rooster... only for keeping an eye out!
OK I think I better end my welding rambling.
Weave shade 10 and light to med duty leather gloves are fine. I often go bare hand but not recommended.

Ron don't feel bad. I am not a wood worker. Give me wood and I will give ya sawdust give me iron and I will make something.

I did manage to finish 4 projects today that I have a Feb deadline for.
feathersnuggles - Glad to have you at /Washingtonians

Not by any means an expert, but here is what I would do. Put covered nest box in your run where she has been laying. See if she will use it. Then if she does slowly move it toward the coop each day. Maybe she will like laying in the box enough that she will make the move as it does. For what it is worth. KMHunter uses covered kitty litter boxes for nest boxes. I would think this would be a perfect use for one. And only about $13.

Brennant. A kestrel would have a tough time flying with your heavies. But that won't matter if it manages to kill them. So you are right. Beautiful little buggers, but great hunters. Usually they are partial to mice, chicks and little bunnies. But if it is hungry, you never know. I believe they are monogomous. So this time of year I would expect that it may be either young or mated. So be on the lookout, it is likely not alone.
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