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No I have not seen that. Yes Ron I remember very well when things looked so sad and if I remember right it turned out to be something that had been overlooked and someone on here helped figure it out.
Well, I got a window and a storm door for the weather-proof (ish) entry to the enlarged Hamburg run. There's a three foot wide gap between the existing run and the end of the raised raspberry bed that's going to be the foundation of the run; I'm framing it in and roofing it so there will be a place out of the weather to feed, water, and reach out to gather eggs- I don't want it to be a blind alley, so it's getting a lot of natural light from the door and window and the wall above the shorter bit of the run is going to be double cage wire and greenhouse cover, although the west-facing lower bit of wall below the window is going to be 2X4framed and plywood with cedar hand-split siding.

Now I just have to build it.
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I do.
And I will be selling this spring. I'll have a few laying hens available then, too. I think it just depends on how far you're willing to drive (you know, how far you are from me) And how much you want a certain breed. I breed rare and specialty breeds, but most of them are far more worth it than your average laying hen. They last longer, have cooler looking eggs, are cooler looking themselves, and are very hardy and good free rangers for our climate. Also, they're not over-bred for production, so they actually have meat on their bones, pretty bodies, sweet temperaments, less chances of dying from egg related issues, no chances of deformity, and the ability to hatch and take care of their own.
You should come over to my place
My black/purple tomatoes include Carbon, Paul Robeson, Japanese Black Trifele, Black Cherry, Black Mauri, and Black Elephant.

We love purples.
hmmm .... maybe there is a use for all that nasty Kale; put in enough blueberries and other stuff to hide the bitter taste.
I put most of the pulp in a carrot cake (mix is from a GF box - Fat Free, and for fat free, it tastes amazingly good, and since I used 3 cups pulp instead of 1, it was quite moist.). Not as good as the uual butter infused one I make with cream cheese frosting, but not bad at all.

Kale is not NASTY!. I have an awesome recipe for Portugese Kale soup. Sooo yummy. I have a very regular customer who buys my Kale and makes a kale drink every morning. She puts it in her vitamix, adds pears or apples and a few other things. She said it was kind of yuck when she first started drinking it but now she loves it and she is so healthy looking. It is so good for you. The very best tasting kale is the Toscano or Dinosaur Kale. Just getting ready to put my transplants in the ground for fall and winter harvest.

The Green tomato heirloom tomato I have in the greenhouse right now is Cherokee Green. It actually ripens to a yellow with green shoulders but it's pure green on the inside. And it is sweet. I am limited on greenhouse space so had to stick to only 3 heirloom varieties. One is Black Krim and the other is Black Prince. Black Prince is on the small side but prolific and as far as taste I like the Black Krim better. Wish I could try them all.

OK, day 2 for the B&B pickles. Five more days to go before I can try them. And cucumbers and squash are very prolific so the chickens are getting feasts of them. I guess it's a good thing when I grow more than I can sell. I try to make a certain dollar amount per square foot but I am also helping with my chicken feed bill so it counts for something. If inedible for them it goes into the compost so it's still counting for something.

Well that will be just bout perfect for the bday BBQ you didn't know you aren't hostessing.
I agree... kale is not yukky... you just need to know how to use it. My daughter made a salad that's about half kale that's become the favorite of everyone that's tasted it so far. It was a hit at our big July 4 get together and my monthly sewing group. And my chooks love it too.
Finally made Melon Sorbet tonight from our melon I cut a couple days ago.

It was the first frozen dessert I've ever made, and wow it was good!!
I had something like that happen about 6 years ago, but it stemmed from a sale of some items that where shipped to Spain and claimed to be stolen. The items were fully insured, but the USPS refused to pay the claim because they claim the item was stolen from the customs office in Spain (Even if that was the case, I paid the USPS hundreds for insurance assuming it was insurred until delivered! Had they let me know before shipping that the insurance was good only until the package left the U.S, I would never have shipped it with a full customs disclosure!). Anyways, because the bank account was linked to my eBay, both were frozen - money could go in but it was immediately taken out (and not given to the purchaser in Spain either - Paypal keppt it! 2 years later they returned the funds to me after reviewing all my other transactions, but by then I had paid over $500 to a lawyer and $1800 in merchandise to the buyer in Spain. I now clear any funds from paypal and mmy paypal linked accounts the minute I get them. I would use a different service, but when I researched it they all have the same problems with hackers.

Good luck getting your money back. The stress was too much for me, and I gave up after fighting the post-office for 2 years.
Applesauce! I hope they can help you. Obviously Paypal needs to upgrade it's security.

Oh no! I knew there was a reason I didn't link my Paypal acct to my checking acct. That is what I was afraid of! I got an email from them recently asking me to sign in and do something to keep my account active. I was suspicious, so I deleted it. Did you get something like that from them a while back?

I got that too, but I ignore all those things since I never am sure whatis ligit and what is not. I figure I'll just update the account when I need it.
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