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Monroe show = Awesome. Ned came home with a blue ribbon, but I'm not mentioning the fact that he was the only silver phoenix there... I'm fixing him a special dinner tonight.

Met a couple BYCers today (
) and came home with 7 more birds than I went with (a polish chick and then 5 chicks we picked up at the feed store across the road, not sure what kinds, and a silkie roo) -or- I should say, DH came home with 7 more birds than we went with.
(Srsly, they're his)

Anyone want to buy a couple small children? I'm pooped.
Ya didn't happen to see my BR roo at the feed store did ya??? Thats where I dropped him off last Tues. He's probably been somebodys dinner by now
. how about the turkey? was he still there??
Went to the Enumclaw auction today with one of my daughters. Had a blast! No ducklings still. Bummer. However, came home with 6 daffodil pots, 2 tulip pots, 6 purple hyacinth, & 12 primroses! Figure that I will get the yard all nice for the new duckies to mess up!! Hee Hee!


Country feed is maybe getting in some runners next week and will call me when they do. But they will be strait run and the guy there said that they don't know how to sex them. I only want females.

FYI- Talked to Reber Ranch today and they have some Pekin ducklings in if anyone wants some!

Congrats to everyone who did well at the show in Monroe today!!'
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Yes one doe today did give me 4 kids, one did last night but I didnt know it until it was to late. I think she was in labor all day yesterday when I think back on it poor girl she was beat.. Have never had that happen before but you know they dont read the same books we do or go to the same class's.
Had a very loooooooooooooooong day at the Monroe Show today but it was fun and we got to meet Anna, Royce and Heather!!! Anna, your little one was so cute!!!

DD placed 3rd with her bantam cochin among MANY other bantam cochins, I think there were two long rows of them. All in all a good experience and hopefully we'll go again next year with more than one bird.


PS: Royce, I will be following up with you on those Americauna eggs at some point in the future!!!
Zgoatlady, what kind of goats do you have? We have been wanting to get some for awhile, but need to build a proper structure + fencing before we get them. Not quite sure when that's going to happen though. We want something small, either the pygmy's or Nigerian Dwarfs. Congrats on all your babies!!! Pictures?!?

I live off Mt. Baker Highway also in Maple Falls like Anne does! We just moved here from Woodland Washington in December. My husband got a new job for Lynden city so we were very lucky to be able to qualify for the tax credit for buying a new home. I can really set up our home. I want to get two pygmy goats too and we will buy the stuff to make a good fence for our backyard. We cannot see any of our neighbors because of the trees etc. I feel pretty isolated but I don't mind that at all. I love living here in the country.
Once again I have a stupid question...

Since we all know Seattle weather I figured I would ask you all.

About what age should these girls be out of the house and into their coop? I have heard 6-8 weeks. (my older chicks are 3 weeks old)

Also I got 5 more babies at "chick days" at the Grange. They will have to have a new home since we are in the city and are over our limit anyway but I love having these tiny ones.

All these goat contacts.. Anyone have any horse contacts in the Everett area? Lessons and (maybe) moderately priced board. (Read: I don't think I should pay more for board than a weeks worth of daycare for a pasture spot)
Hi kkmoto,

I'm the worst person to answer this question. The last time I had chicks I thought they had to be full grown before going out. So I had house chickens for nearly 7 months.

Can you tell it was pre BYC?

Most people recommend- when they are fully feathered 8+ weeks. As long as they have good shelter.

BTW- That is not a stupid question.

Russ- doesn't want to raise chicks again.
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