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anyone looking for frizzled Cochin hens and roos? PM me also antwerp cochins frizzles
You lucked out on that cockerel from Soggybottom. I hatched 4 chicks from her eggs. Three were gold colored like your Wynona and one was very weirdly marked, lacing is off. Not sure what it is! So many people mess up the Foleys birds because they don't cull like they should. I tried buying hatching eggs from 2 other breeders who supposedly had Paul and Foley lines and I got rid of all of them. The birds I have been working with for several years aren't perfect but so much better than anything I've hatched from other breeders. I'm just going straight to Foleys next Spring for chicks. I'm buying from the source!

Yes, my pullet from her is gold too.
I hatched 5 out. Only 1 pullet. 2 splash roo's, 2 blue roo's. I passed the other blue roo on to another local breeder who only had splash.

Yes, I do still want William, but it will need to be well after the first of the year, after I get the EE thing straightened out and another hoop house built/the old greenhouse modified for quarantine.
Stumpfarmer, I still have William, the black BLRW roo for you. Let me know when you are ready for him. I would like to do one breeding for him but their coop is over full, so whenever you are ready let him know.

Dave, I will be breeding a lot of BLRW's starting in January. If you want to get any chicks from me, let me know. I currently have one splash, one blue and one black roo (the one Stumpfarmer is getting that I hope to get one batch of eggs in from before he goes) over splash/blue hens. So I should potentially end up with roo's of all colors. You can also check with Cowgirlgrace. I got my black BLRW roo from her.

I have 7 BLRW hens, 2 from CCG and 5 from pettec63 (Julie, where did your get them?) so I want to watch blood lines a bit. I hope to be breeding some soon too

I got these from Tiff, who got them from WA4Hpoultrymom...oops you were asking pettec63, sorry, I need to be more awake to remember I'm not the only J-person here.
Well we got the Child Support judgement back. I think it was pretty fair. SD is very upset. My DD and I will be keeping 1 eye looking over our shoulders for a little bit. CL be ready for a phone call this evening!

I'm getting a ear infection and sore throat.
Not sure how! I think I am permanently sterilized from all the pine sol & bleach that I have been using to scrub other peoples dirt! I think the stress and lack of sleep is wearing me down.

I'm so glad your FIL is doing better Clover! That is truly a relief!

Ok that is it for my quick 15 minute chicken soup break! (notice it is not duck!!) I gotta make those wheels on the bus roll on down the road!
T did you dress your ducks up for Halloween?
Can we see bigger pics ?

So good to hear the judgement is done.
SD can go pound sand!
You are a far better parent than he will ever be!!!
You have had to do your job as Mom AND his job as bread winner for sooooooooooooooo long.
ok something weird just happened.

I am researching organic management of pear psylla in pears... i have a stack of books i am researching through for my term paper....

my dad's name is in one of the books!!!!

first i stay in the dorm and same room as him.... now i am looking for books on a topic and he is credited as a participant to the book's creation.....

I even have one of his old textbooks that say his address was the one i stayed at last year....

what are the odds?
CL the OE splash I hatched from your eggs is laying! will try and get a photo of the very olive egg soon.

Need to get more updated photos....
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