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I love great news!
I love great news!

That is fantastic news. And Happy Birthday to your DH!

Excellent News!!
And Happy Birthday to your hubby from me also!
OK, explain how they make Kava??

I was under the assumption it is alot like our Coffee Liquour ? (Kaluah)

"The roots of the plant are used to produce a drink with sedative and anesthetic properties. Kava is consumed throughout the Pacific Ocean cultures of Polynesia including Hawaii, Vanuatu, Melanesia and some parts of Micronesia. Kava is sedating and is primarily consumed to relax without disrupting mental clarity.
Traditionally it is prepared by either chewing, grinding or pounding the roots of the kava plant. Grinding is done by hand against a cone-shaped block of dead coral; the hand forms a mortar and the coral a pestle. The ground root/bark is combined with only a little water, as the fresh root releases moisture during grinding. Pounding is done in a large stone with a small log. The product is then added to cold water and consumed as quickly as possible.
The extract is an emulsion of kavalactone droplets in starch. The taste is slightly pungent, while the distinctive aroma depends on whether it was prepared from dry or fresh plant, and on the variety. The colour is grey to tan to opaque greenish."
From Wiki

To me it tasted a bit like potato water but it was interesting.

DH and I went to Micronesia for our honeymoon. In Palau, they make a super yummy Taro Leaf Soup that seemed to have an ability to wipe away any pain. I had a bowl or two of it every day. Yum!
Well, I was doing pretty well- sprayed oil on what IS scaly leg mites on the Hamburg hens and while I had them in the net gave them their Emprinex. That was after I got all the chickens fed and the sheep tethered out and four loads of laundry on the line and moved the sheep pen and the big Wyandotte's tractor... but BEFORE I found out that Elvis had dumped his water dish on the ground, which entailed taking the whole front of the Tower of Solitude apart so I could reach it- it's washed, refilled, and everything put back together, and the load of socks are on air-only in the dryer getting...dryer, I hope. Oh, yeah, I'm supposed to make dinner, too, bleaurgh.

Ian seems to be sneezing. I think? He only seems to do it right after I feed, though, and he sticks his whole face in the dusty feed? I am perplexed and dismayed.

Also: scaly leg mites, where would they come from? I haven't seen them on anything else of mine, or my cousins, or the tweety birds, and if it was migratories why would it be them and nothing else?
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Yup, if you scroll down to almost the bottom of the page, you will see a box on the right hand side that says "Post Reply". Just click on that and you will get a new box for your message!

People who have seen me in person, and seen the Hamburg's run in person are snickering at the thought of me running up and down the run with my salmon net, I'm sure.
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We're neighbors! I live in University Place! What kind of chickens do you have?

We have a pretty small flock. One RIR, a Wellsummer, and 'the boss' a Barred Rock
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