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I am not an expert and it doesn't sound quiet like the danger trill but it sort of does.

what is wrong with her legs? I missed that some where.

I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with her leg. She hurt it somehow. I'm not sure if the impacted crop or the leg injury happened first. I do know my other two birds were jumping and flopping around on top of her when I pulled her out of the brooder. The impacted crop has resolved completely and she's eating a lot of food and has beautiful poops (ha. ha. that sounds funny - but I'm so excited she's no longer pooping wood chips). She can't stand or put weight on her left leg at all. She's a Brahma so she has feathers all over her leg which makes it hard to see what's going on with it.
Are her feathers ruffled up like she's cold? Or is she *just* limping?

They're not ruffled much. Not like two days ago when she also had an impacted crop. She hops on one leg. She doesn't put weight on the injured leg unless she loses balance, and when that happens if's very obvious it hurts her to put that foot down.
Hmm I don't know. I had to put down 2 of my chicks because they had crooked feet and no matter what I did they just got worse. But they never acted like they hurt. They did limp a little. And they never made that sound.

Well I am off to bed. Night.
For the safety of the other two, we brought her hospital kennel into the house. I know she wants to be out with the other chickens, but I can't risk another injured bird because they are reacting to her call. She's facing me. I'll sit here with her until she falls asleep.
For the safety of the other two, we brought her hospital kennel into the house. I know she wants to be out with the other chickens, but I can't risk another injured bird because they are reacting to her call. She's facing me. I'll sit here with her until she falls asleep.

I am sorry for her hurt foot that is something I haven't yet seen in our little flock. I hope she gets better! I will check in the am to see if you have posted any change! You are such a good chicken momma!
Ya its horrible here, people are always dumping kittens and puppies. And a lot end up in the river. It is beyond sickening! LOL I can understand missing helping the babies.

On a Happy Note!!! I have named the lil girly.. I have decided on Luna... It was Luna or Gypsy.. I settled on Luna.. She is a snuggler.. and super Mouthy! Ha Ha!
I am picking up my kitty next week, from a friend who has a litter. We named her Luna too!
Well still nothing on my sister.

And I am trying not to use animals for my happieness but.... I am going to pick up one or two new girls today. A lady in Green Lake has some unique colored EE's, just what I have been looking for (hopefuly) so I will go there right after my son's bus comes at 8:50! Yes, of corse I will post pics too.
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