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Brilliant, hit submit on an empty window, sorry.

We're in Lacey, but the pick-up is at Home Meats in Kamilche (south of Shelton). It'll be a chunk o'change (my last quarter was about $350 all together).

Hmm, that's not too bad! How much meat do you estimate that was? Maybe 100lbs? Sounds like a good deal to me!

depending on the amount per lb I would be interested in this as well....

From my earlier post:

Also: my sister just put four yearling steers on pasture to sell as grass fed beef in late September or early October. Price is estimated as $3 a pound + cut and wrap + kill fee and may be a little less. Maybe. Smallest legal order she can take is a quarter but you can split with others on your own.

This is run of the animal: you get some of everything. It is dry-aged and handled with respect at all stages of the cycle.

I will talk to my mom, if it is sept/oct I should have enough $ for a 1/4
I would love to have good beef again :D
Honey I'm home ! ! ! We had a pretty good trip. Got rained on pretty bad the first couple days but Saturday turned out beautiful. We were joined by jbear. This was our first trip together. Jen and our DD hit it off well and became wing girlz to the rails. We made it home in one piece. Although I had 2 break downs and it looks like I may be in need of a new transaxle and engine. Jbear's video on FB may explain part of what happened.

Quincy can now say he has been to the top of Coliseum.
I will refrain from posting more but just gotta put the mutt on here.

well landlady's dang pigeons figured out how to get out of the lower pen. they scootch under the door. Well one of her pug dogs got loose and out of the garage... When we got home the pug had the pigeon in her mouth. hubby called landlady and she wanted to go on about how my Dolly most definately killed her pigeon last week. Ugh... I will be glad when we move to our own place with no cows, pigs, pigeons, rabbits, pugs, cats and a zoo full of chickens. I am only taking my 8 hens, 3 meat birds, the 8 ducks and my 3 turkeys. Then the rest are hers... It is just so frustrating at times to have all these dang animals here that I have to take care of because she doesn't have the time to do it and buy all the feed for them too.

My dogs for sure didn't get the pigeon this time.. They both are chained in the front yard where they can't even see the birds. I haven't had any problems with my dogs since we moved them to the front. They can't see the birds so it doesn't torture them..

right now her animals include: 6 pugs in the garage, 10 cats in the garage, 2 turkeys, 16 pigeons, 20 chickens, 3 call ducks, 2 pigs, 3 calves that roam the yard and eat all my plants (tomatoe, rose bush, japanese maple, lavender, pepper plants and along with the lawn furniture cushions, 14 baby chicks in my house, and an incubator full of eggs...

Ok rant now over... School for my kiddo's is done tomorrow so they can help me with the cleaning of our new house. I am done with school until september so break time for me..

Now to find where my quilt frame was put in the garage... except i can't hardly stand the smell in there.
Hi Renee! I'm sitting home with William and Jeanine. She's got a few tiny blisters on her hands and just showed me a couple on her feet...he's got a whole mouthful, hands and feet are pretty scarce, but entire diaper area is covered in weeping blisters! Really super extra glad I cloth diaper now...I would hate to think what kind of chemicals could be seeping into those poor wounds if he was in disposable diapers. Isaac took John to church. When he gets back, we'll spend the day outside with the girls in the backyard :)

Jessica, I hope they feel better soon. Poor little ones!

Oh... your chicken named "Dartha" cracks me up. That's about as bad as our little Brahma's name - "Drama Bahm" - he wanted it "Drama Bomb" but I nixed his choice of spelling. The only saving grace for Drama Bahm is she has caused a lot of drama in her short 8 weeks so her shortened nickname "Drama" seems to fit her. I still wish she had a prettier name.
Such cute pictures everyone! I saw them all, but I was so far behind on posts, I don't have time to comment on each indivdual picture.

Love the pink dune buggy! My 7-year-old daughter thinks it's "cool" too.

Congrats to the graduates, as well!
Today I let my 3 girls free-range while I was out working in the yard. Had a great day - finished a garden bed, continued work on the coop/run set-up. Then, this evening, my neighbor's black lab got free and almost wiped out all 3 of my girls. It happened so fast, and right in front of me. The dog came into the yard from behind the shed and literally seemed to appear out of nowhere. It got one of the darker colored girls in her mouth - not sure who. The others looked like they were getting trampled. I screamed and went running, and the bird in the mouth flew out. My little Brahma actually flew and landed on top of a garbage can (didn't think she could fly very high... I guess she can when she needs to).

I completely understand the lab is a bird dog and was doing what she is bred to do. I know the neighbor is good about following the leash law - his dog got out, and he was trying to call it back. The dog came through a broken part of our fence that blew down in a windstorm. I know the neighbor had to know something happened with his dog and my birds. He was right on the other side of the fence - there's no way he didn't hear the commotion. My entire family was inside the house and heard the commotion and came running out. The part that really upset me was he never came over and asked if the birds were OK. He just got his dog, took it inside and said nothing. No "I'm sorry," no "Are they OK?" Not a single word came out of his mouth. Nothing. My other neighbor said I need to be the bigger person and just get over it. That's probably true. But, I'm still really irked.

The good news is my three birds seem to be OK. They were scared. Our Rhode Island Red even welcomed hugging for quite a while, and, normally she does not like to be held at all. We held all three until they seemed to relax a bit and then put them back into the brooder inside the garage.
Quote: Nah, just rolling my jeans up above the knee and still getting soaked. I can follow the grazed-down path in the field but part of what I was stomping through last night was snowberry, which is the soggiest plant in the world.

I used to have waterproof bibs, but the weight and stiffness just made me more tired at the end of the day, so now I just rotate shoes and jeans so I'm mostly dry most of the time. Why is June rain so much wetter though? And why is it that I can't find another pair of Justin Ropers size (mens) 8WW anywhere just when the waterproofing in the pair I bought three years ago has given up the ghost?
Have you tried the Western Store in the strip mall x from Safeway near the I 5 exit?
Quote: depending on the amount per lb I would be interested in this as well....

From my earlier post:

Also: my sister just put four yearling steers on pasture to sell as grass fed beef in late September or early October. Price is estimated as $3 a pound + cut and wrap + kill fee and may be a little less. Maybe. Smallest legal order she can take is a quarter but you can split with others on your own.

This is run of the animal: you get some of everything. It is dry-aged and handled with respect at all stages of the cycle.
Sent you a couple of pm s stumpfarmer. Hope I helped
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