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yes, it's the little tractor in my profile pic.

I just went back outside and sure enough a new hole, from this evening! The chickens didn't seem to make a sound, so they must not feel threatened. I'm tempted to go back out and roll some chicken wire around the base right now. If it's a rat, do they bother chickens or are they after spilled feed?

Sorry to hear you have a pest! You'll need to put a skirt around it, but the holes on chicken wire are too big and it's too light weight. You really need to get half inch hardware cloth. If it's a rat they can gnaw through anything to get at what they want, like food and water. You really don't want them anywhere near your chickens, they carry disease.

Good luck.

Added: On second thought, won't rats just dig under a skirt, too? Regardless of what it's made from???
How about setting a few rat traps around the area and lock up your feed and pets for the night?
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Wowza, another 2 days' worth of school accomplished this morning. He's totally mastering this stuff too! We're so enjoying this laid back schedule and having so much fun! Last year when we tried Kindergarten home school it was a train wreck and I was really apprehensive about this year. Turns out last year he just wasn't ready for organized school yet. I needed to take a chill pill!

I'm jealous of your northend meetup! Would love to come but no car :( Not to mention it's an hour away.
Where are you located FJ? I am thinking there should be a south sound meet-up
Yes I remember all of that it's just the part about the December show that seems to have failed to save to memory !
We're getting old ya know !!!

I used to get the Chehalis Show mixed up with the Monroe Show...but not last time, I remember sitting in the corner by the door freezin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every time someone came in & out I could see the blizzard outside.

To add: CR you were late, very late, due to the slow freeway due to the blizzard.
We almost did not make coop in time, barely by a few minutes.
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Mikey got me going on recipes...now I cannot make up my mind:

Chili & tacos
Or Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta (raviolis for DH) ??????????????

Then I saw the pork tenderloin roasted with rosemary & wanted roasted rosemary taters with it..............
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