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Well, here is my first chick, Gimp:

Gimp doesn't like to walk on one leg, and I can't tell exactly what's wrong with it. It's usable, but obviously has some problem with functionality and is held out to the side when standing. But he/she drinks water, eats chick starter, and shoves the week old chicks aside to go wherever it wants. I hope little Gimp grows up into a healthy hen. If so, she's got a spot in my flock as long as she lives.

I'm not going to post any more about the hatch. It's still going, but I'm just tired of stirring up trouble.

It is unfortunate that you feel you have been "stirring up trouble" with the posts about your hatch. I can only speak for myself but really believe others will agree. Comments and info directed at you about your post were NOT intended in a mean manner they were simply attempts to share info and try to help you.
See sometimes we need someone who is removed from the situation to talk us through it.
Here is a little example. Last winter during all the snow a member texted me at 2:45AM. She had just lost electricity and had 50+ Serama eggs in the bator. Anna was freaking that she was going to loose all those eggs/chicks. She was ready to start tossing them. I told her "Anna don't you dare give up you give them babies a chance". I told her to (hang on here) stuff eggs in her bra and pockets. Guess what 35-36 hours after the power went off Anna was so excited because she managed a close to 50% hatch.
After the fact Anna admitted she knew what to do but she was in panic mode and just needed some one who was removed from the situation to tell her what she already knew.

And here they are snuggling up to thier warm water bottles!!!

Yes I am proud of this effort ! Just look at all those little Rama's we saved.
I'm coordinating it. I'll try to go back through the posts tomorrow to find everyone who wanted in on it and PM them. Thanks!
I am still interested. I followed the link and noticed that the photo shows a sticker attached to the carton.
Do they have plain ones?
I'd just as soon use my own label.
Labels or no labels, I wouldn't want more than 20-25. Whatever works for the group, works for me.
Thanks for pulling the order together and thanks, FlyRobinFly for offering your free shipping code.
Just saw something interesting - I've been an admirer of some of Seattle's Saltbox Design coops for some time and I see that they're making them for Williams Sonoma now! Williams Sonoma has an entire chicken keeping product line. Of course, if I thought those pretty Saltbox Design coops were out of my range before, with a Williams Sonoma mark up they're way out...

Anything Williams -Sonoma is so over priced !I am am
azed they are in the coop biz !!!
Three words

pellet gun

I'd be happy to drop by and uhh .. help? LOL
I read somewhere that if you gather all your dog doodies, and fling them around, it scares off predators...flung dung !
I didn't respond to the person in a rude manner. I just said they needed to switch to a layer feed that covered enough protein and calcium, and told her that the "crown" was called a comb. That's it. But I'm baffled that someone would only feed their chickens scratch, which she said she did do for a long time. I wasn't rude, only helpful to him/her. But yeah...I hope she changes what she's doing for her birds' sake.
That's amazing! I wonder if people just pass on "whatever worked" to their family members? I've never been around chickens before I got them myself, so of course I read every chicken book under the sun and got the correct info on their nutrition, housing, etc.
Hopefully they listened to you & will continue to learn from others here, that is one purpose of this thread.
So many folks are just getting into poultry and just don't know.
What you did was a good thing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep up the good work !!!!!!!!!!
When I made my nipple waterers I got the buckets for free from the grocery store bakery. Any time I'm shopping I'll stop by and ask if they have any. I also store my chicken feed in them, some of those buckets have an amazing air tight seal! I got some rectangle shaped buckets that I made into feeders as well.

That's what my bucket is - an old cake decorating icing bucket. That way you also know it is food safe.
I can't remember exactly now, but I think it was a (used) band-aid. I haven't wanted Tillamook ice cream since...
Q-tip, and it was clean...and he has them all over when he is glueing & painting & fixing things, on the counter no less.
I figure the ice cream stuck on the spoon & got into the ice cream.
Well, here is my first chick, Gimp:

Gimp doesn't like to walk on one leg, and I can't tell exactly what's wrong with it. It's usable, but obviously has some problem with functionality and is held out to the side when standing. But he/she drinks water, eats chick starter, and shoves the week old chicks aside to go wherever it wants. I hope little Gimp grows up into a healthy hen. If so, she's got a spot in my flock as long as she lives.

I'm not going to post any more about the hatch. It's still going, but I'm just tired of stirring up trouble.


You could probably splint it. http://www.poultryhelp.com/spraddle.html
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