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So I pulled my concrete bricks out of the black bags in the greenhouse. They didn't hold heat at all. So.... now I'm thinking they must be clay bricks to hold heat for a long time. Anyone know?
What if you wrapped each brick in black plastic & taped them off like little presents ?
That, and I just do not think there is enough solar heat now to get them hot enough, and there will be less this winter.
Maybe you can try just a plain brick (no plastic) heated somehow ?
On top a wood stove or on a furnace vent ?
For those who have been here a while you will know who this is dedicated to!

Love ya and miss ya here girl.
X 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am still interested. I followed the link and noticed that the photo shows a sticker attached to the carton.
Do they have plain ones?
I'd just as soon use my own label.
Labels or no labels, I wouldn't want more than 20-25. Whatever works for the group, works for me.
Thanks for pulling the order together and thanks, FlyRobinFly for offering your free shipping code.

I'm fine with no labels. Does everyone who wants in want them without labels?
Well, here is my first chick, Gimp:

Gimp doesn't like to walk on one leg, and I can't tell exactly what's wrong with it. It's usable, but obviously has some problem with functionality and is held out to the side when standing. But he/she drinks water, eats chick starter, and shoves the week old chicks aside to go wherever it wants. I hope little Gimp grows up into a healthy hen. If so, she's got a spot in my flock as long as she lives.

I'm not going to post any more about the hatch. It's still going, but I'm just tired of stirring up trouble.


Search for splayed-leg -- you are going to want to treat this, and in a hurry or it becomes permanent.
A big thanks to Dawn again for the awesome lavender soft soap...SOOOOOOOOOOO yummy !!!!!!!!!!!!

We have gotten all the tools/roll aways out of the van so today is shopping/feed run day.

Also looking for a Nice Black Copper marans cockerel from good lines if anyone has one for sale ?

Later peeps !!!
X2! What size are they? I have the 2 gallon buckets. 5 Gallon os just too big for me to hang. I don't have anything sturdy enough for that amount of weight.

I'll have to measure. I like the size - but, honestly, I have no idea how big the cake decorating buckets are. My labels have since soaked off.
A big thanks to Dawn again for the awesome lavender soft soap...SOOOOOOOOOOO yummy !!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, love, love Dawn's lavendar soap! That and her lotion bars are my favorites from her line!
Those lotion bars saved my hands this year in the garden.
You know what?
I've got some soap samples from Dawn.
I am going to bring them to the Northend Meet-up today at 11 at Third Place Books!
Back to work until then....
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