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I did get a chance to meet a few of you newer peeps.
and had hopes of meeting more. Please keep in mind the WFF show coming up in Chehalis in Nov. It looks like I will also be there as a vendor.

Oh and Yoda included the show in his travels too!!!!

Please let us know when the Chehalis show is going to be.

I got your e-mails this morning. So cool Yoda got to go with you! My son will be thrilled.

I hope to get some better pictures of Fudge's babies today so you can see 'em. They've been on and off active this morning. They're funny, the run around, climb all over the food dishes and each other - then they just drop of to sleep quick as can be. So cute!
I just found a little clutch of 10 super cute small green eggs! They were in the grass and wet, think they could hatch???
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME...... I was following all your post and I was thinking.. I could never be patient enough to deal with all the worry :) But when I saw your Pics.. I had a renewed hope that maybe someday Ill try hatching some myself :)
The worry came from not knowing what to expect. I didn't realize that they would stop moving around the closer they got to hatch. When the eggs were moving so often at day 16 and 17 then suddenly NOTHING - no movement at all after the humidity was raised for lockdown - that's what caused me to panic. Next time I will know not to worry if an egg suddenly stops moving during the last few days. 9 paper towels in the incubator didn't seem to change anything for the hatch either - all three eggs in that incubator hatched. In fact, all 4 eggs that were moving prior to lockdown hatched.

They are so cute. Seeing them now is worth all the worry. One just fell asleep standing up and supporting the rest of it's body weight on it's beak. Too bad I laughed and woke them up. That would have been a cute picture.
And after I posted I found the Site for the Pavillion......
Sorry... I worry about me sometimes :)

I do stuff like that, too.

If you do the auction, just be prepared to see your chickens being carried around by their wings. That would be hard for me to take. If I ever sold birds at the auction, I would have to drop them off and leave.
I'm in the Portland/Vancouver area and am relatively new to raising poultry. A friend had me chicken-sit for a few months and got me hooked.

So far we have Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, a few coturnix quail, and 4 midget white turkey poults. I have also been researching Muscovy ducks and would really like to get some of those.

We raise and show rabbits--satin, mini satin and Himalayan.


What kind of thermometer do you guys use in your brooders? Right now I'm using a meat thermometer (oh, the irony... and their future in-garage dust bath will be a roasting pan... LOL... yes, there are times that I find humor in the most inappropriate things). The meat thermometer works fine, except one of the chicks have taken to it as a pillow. When chicks sleep on the meat thermometer, you don't get accurate readings.
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