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I meant the Stall Dry that is a powder. I found a $40 bucket of DE on the internet with free shipping. Ordered it. I *love* stuff that comes in it's own bucket because I can put it outside the henhouse with out it getting wet.
I pile it up during the spring and summer. But when my garden is done I just throw it directly on top of it and let it compost right there. Then I til it all in and add more from the pile. The weeds liked it this year! Lol! My garden didn't do a thing. But I wasn't trying really hard to make it work either. Oh well.

Well then my pile will go in the garden area this fall then....
Yippee!! We are on 7 now (not including whatever they laid today). 1 on monday, 3 on wednesday, and 3 yesterday.
Oh so yummy!

I'm jealous, but I hope to be in your shoes soon.
I pile it up during the spring and summer. But when my garden is done I just throw it directly on top of it and let it compost right there. Then I til it all in and add more from the pile. The weeds liked it this year! Lol! My garden didn't do a thing. But I wasn't trying really hard to make it work either. Oh well.

Well then my pile will go in the garden area this fall then....

I've got an area where I'm trying to kill the grass under some trees. I hate mowing under and around trees. I just dump it there. The trees are too big to be effected by the poop, but the grass will die. When I finish that, I'll put it in the compost tumbler for a few weeks, and then in the garden. Or I suspect I can find other weed patches that need killing.
i don't know but if you can get to duvall I have an 80lb bag that I bought by accident from the feedstore. I think I've used about 8 cups of it and it's just sitting there....
I pile it up during the spring and summer. But when my garden is done I just throw it directly on top of it and let it compost right there. Then I til it all in and add more from the pile. The weeds liked it this year! Lol! My garden didn't do a thing. But I wasn't trying really hard to make it work either. Oh well.

Well then my pile will go in the garden area this fall then....

Do you have a small garden with a way to cover it? Whatever you do with your compost it should be covered for the winter or the rain will leach the nutrients right out of it. I leave mine in a pile and cover it with a tarp for the winter then spread it in the garden in the spring.
I turn my compost every so many days and this goes around year round...the only time I cover my current compost pile is when it is really hot, and I do not want the moisture leached out of the compost or the good bacteria will die.
i don't know but if you can get to duvall I have an 80lb bag that I bought by accident from the feedstore. I think I've used about 8 cups of it and it's just sitting there....

how about if I buy a few bags of DE at Monte on my way there ?????
Monica, you can then distribute.
Well then my pile will go in the garden area this fall then....

I've got an area where I'm trying to kill the grass under some trees. I hate mowing under and around trees. I just dump it there. The trees are too big to be effected by the poop, but the grass will die. When I finish that, I'll put it in the compost tumbler for a few weeks, and then in the garden. Or I suspect I can find other weed patches that need killing.

That is the exact way it should be done !!!!!
And my chooks will rotovate the dumpings...and it all goes round and round...I am so tired, has anyone heard from Justbugged ? Worried about her, I too am soooooooooooooexhausted !
Big day tomorrow, lasagna already made, going to Monika's to deliver the babies and I get to see her chookies !!!
G'nite, and worried about Just bugged !
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