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from Forks, WA.

As for the chicks, congrats. To me, I've always been told when I had chicks to not handle them too much - But it turns out that a year later, the ones I handled the most were the tamest, most friendly of all my chickens! And they are Polish too, which are considered a flighty breed.

So, my advice to you, is to spend some amount of time with them every day. Don't scare them and be so pushy and hands-on, but try and get them used to your movement, your voice, and food being associated with you. I have a big brooder, so I like to even clear a spot where I can sit down with them, sprinkle some food over my legs, and let them crawl up onto me for food. It really does work, and over the weeks that they grow, I can get them to voluntarily step up onto my arm, hop onto my shoulders, eat from my hand, etc.
to the Newbies!!!!

Anastasia, I see no reason not to handle them. Someone suggested recently, don't know if it was this thread or another, to slowly reach your arm in to where ever they are, and tap the side of the wall, kind of like if a bird was pecking on it, then the others come running to see what your "hand" has found. Less menacing than reaching straight in to grab one as they all run for their lives.!

Heather, I'm getting nervous for my DD too! We bathed her bird last night and found mites!!!
We treated with spray, bathed again today. Hopefully they are gone!!!!

So can we get a list going of who is going to the show this Saturday? Maybe copy what I put below, add your name, the next person copies and adds there name, etc?

Who will be at the Cascade Show:
WA-4Hpoultrymom = Tamara w/ DD Emily - showing black bantam cochin cockeral

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The three oregon mini geese are fairly small. The breed right now has a pretty big spread between 4 and 10 pounds. Mine are of the smaller sort and I will be breeding for that after hardiness of course. Mine were adults when I got them. One of the females is more than just not friendly, she actively dislikes me. The male (before breeding season) was extremely friendly and the other female was shy. I should have six goslings around here pretty soon, I look forward to seeing how they turn out.
Welcome, I am also in Everett (Madison area) and I just recently started my little flock again. We hold our babies everyday.We put our hand in the cage and they hop right on it and cuddle up to us too!My old chickens didn't want anything to do with us unless we had treats for them and we really never held them or pet them when they were babies.
Who will be at the Cascade Show:
WA-4Hpoultrymom = Tamara w/ DD Emily - showing black bantam cochin cockeral
Nyrial = Anna w/ devils spawn Amelia and Gretchen and DH Dan - showing phoenix cockerel Ned. Possibly the sitters' DD Samantha as well. I'll be the one looking exhausted carrying the rubber chicken purse (not kidding)

Edited to replace DDs with devils spawn....
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from Forks, WA.

As for the chicks, congrats. To me, I've always been told when I had chicks to not handle them too much - But it turns out that a year later, the ones I handled the most were the tamest, most friendly of all my chickens! And they are Polish too, which are considered a flighty breed.

So, my advice to you, is to spend some amount of time with them every day. Don't scare them and be so pushy and hands-on, but try and get them used to your movement, your voice, and food being associated with you. I have a big brooder, so I like to even clear a spot where I can sit down with them, sprinkle some food over my legs, and let them crawl up onto me for food. It really does work, and over the weeks that they grow, I can get them to voluntarily step up onto my arm, hop onto my shoulders, eat from my hand, etc.

Thank you! I've been taking them out maybe 2 to 3 times a day to just walk around on my lap, and they are so nice:D

Oh and I noticed that my Brown Leghorn is walking around much more "taller" and trying to fly alot more, could this mean it is a roo?
Who will be at the Cascade Show:
WA-4Hpoultrymom = Tamara w/ DD Emily - showing black bantam cochin cockeral
Nyrial = Anna w/ devils spawn Amelia and Gretchen and DH Dan - showing phoenix cockerel Ned. Possibly the sitters' DD Samantha as well. I'll be the one looking exhausted carrying the rubber chicken purse (not kidding)

Edited to replace DDs with devils spawn....


WA-4Hpoultrymom = Tamara w/ DD Emily - showing black bantam cochin cockeral (I'll be wearing a pink "It's all about me" baseball cap)
Nyrial = Anna w/ devils spawn Amelia and Gretchen and DH Dan - showing phoenix cockerel Ned. Possibly the sitters' DD Samantha as well. I'll be the one looking exhausted carrying the rubber chicken purse (not kidding)

Edited to add an identifying element to myself.
Please include one for yourself as well!​
Chicken Rustler - Bees how exciting. I'll be anxious to hear how your venture goes. Have you been to Sand Lake lately? I'm hoping to go the end of the month.

Love the pictures, it is so much fun to see everyone's critters.

On going broody, in the past year, one of mine tried to go broody (no rooster here!), my solution was to take her out of the nest box late in the afternoon after the others were done with egg laying. Then I would carry her around a bit, put her back in th run but then shut the coop door and lock them all outside till bed time. It took a couple days and then she seemed to forget all about it.
So i think i have a problem........

i own 27 chicken. ...... 3 are roos. 5 are bantms so i dont count them (they dont lay, i got them for free from someone)

and 2 weeks ago i got some layers for free from a friend who no longer had time for them,..... they are a year old or more, but not past laying because i saw the eggs they laid the day i got them..... they havent laid since.

my original flock (8) is not laying much even though the days are getting longer. they were laying 6 a day plus these 9 hens i got who were laying good at their old place.
i admit the coop is a little small for the size of flock( going to build a new one during spring break) but i let them out in the mornings to free range all day. they have oyster shell scratch and layer food and water.

none of them seem sick. their poo is normal from what i can tell.

so what excuse is there for them to be declining in egg laying???
cos i am getting tired of going through feed without getting anything in return. this has been going on for a few weeks.
any help is great, i have read and reread my chicken books and am stumped.
ReiMiraa, they may just be under a little bit of stress due to the new hens coming into the flock. They will re-establish the pecking order and come around eventually if that is the case. The new one's are also adjusting to a move, and stress can play a role in their egg production. Hope they start laying soon for you!

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