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I have an Ameraucana Rooster about 1 year old that I need to find a home for. He is beautiful and I will post a picture of him as soon as I figure out how to do it. I uploaded the pic fine, but don't remember how to get it on a message. If you are interested please let me know.
Got back from California yesterday. What a long trip. The wedding was beautiful and the cake-baking went well. I was on my feet for 3 days straight. I made a 4 tier cake, plus two large sheet cakes on the side. It was a wedding for 300+

Here's the finished product:

Loved visiting with my relatives. I missed my chickens a LOT, but they were fine when I got home. There was one mishap while I was gone. One of my 4 month pullets got into a hole in the rooster cage. She is now missing feathers on her back and the back of her head. Poor little thing. My dad thought she was just one of the roosters so didn't know any better. When I talked to him on the phone, he said, "well, the two bigger roosters seem to be picking on the little one a lot..." I was like... "three?? There should only be two!!" So I had him get her out of there. She was stuck in there for like 3 or 4 days with them

I have a lot of cleaning to do out there, but I think I'll do it tomorrow. I'm tiiiiired.
Just go into your uploads and copy the code for the picture. Then you can just paste it into your message. Be sure the "img" tag is part of the code or it won't post. You can preview your post to make sure it worked.
LaSombra, great job on the cake! You did some fantastic corners! I have a hexagon shaped wedding cake I have to do in September and I am not looking forward to all those edges! I have no idea what else you said because all I saw was the cake!

Glad your little chicken is ok (see, I went and looked!)
I love the cake. I am doing the flowers for our niece's wedding at the end of August. I learned early on I could do the cake or the flowers, but not both. I have all the cake pans just sitting in my garage. They aren't worth anything that I can tell, but some of them, and almost all of the icing tips belonged to my grandmother. I am having trouble giving them up.

I went and trained to become a florist, so that is a preferred job. I can't say that I like doing weddings very much. There is a lot of little work like corsages, and such. I have a problem in small. I like really big work. It's why I am better at funeral work.
Here in Seattle they're trying to up it to 8 chickens per standard lot (currently only 3 per standard lot). We can have 6 (and we have the 6) but I keep dreaming of more...

...And we haven't even had a first egg yet!

Me too! We haven't had a single egg yet, but I find myself looking at the Breeds page and thinking..."Ooo! I really want a Gold Laced Wyandotte! They are soooo pretty! I wonder if I can get away with getting a couple?" Sigh.
Is this the same roo that you have in the lower coop? I remember him being the color of the Faverolles.
He is a very hansom stud muffin.

I was chatting with one of my neighbor, and it turns out her husband is on the planning commission he in town. She was telling that it is legal to have chickens, but 6 per lot. :oops:So I suppose that having 40 at the moment is a little naughty.
I gave them eggs to bribe them so I know that they won't turn me in. Anyway she was trying to talk me into a roo. I have at least 5 of them at them moment, but I rather ambivalent about keeping a roo. I am not sure that I want to deal with the noise myself,and then of course there are the neighbors to consider.. I do have the cutest Silver lace Serama roo. I think I am going to see what he is like, before I just dump him at auction. It is sad that there are so many cool roos and there just aren't homes for all of them.
Hey, get ALL the chickens you WANT
You can keep them at MY house
I'm just outside of the Woodinville city limits on 12 acres. I have eight hens right now. but want to add 4-6 more this spring.

You have to get yourself a California White, and that go's for anyone else that is thinking of adding to their flock. Mine is by FAR the friendliest of my girls. she flies up onto my arm and shoulder anytime I have food in my hand. we sit in the rocking chair together and eat potato chips. If the door is open, she comes inside and jumps up on my lap while I'm on the computer. The DW don't know that

She gives me a nice white egg at least 5 out of 7 days
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